Chapter 29 - Brienne of fucking Tarth

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          We hadn't put more than 10 miles between us and the bloody gate before we decided to rest

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We hadn't put more than 10 miles between us and the bloody gate before we decided to rest. It wasn't easy finding anywhere to stay due to the rocky terrain. But we had found one eventually. No one was really talking, Arya had quickly resumed her water dancing and Sandor had gone off to take a shit. Unbothered by our reactions when he honestly told us where he went.

I had rolled my eyes at him and found somewhere to sit. I sat upon a larger rock, one leg tucked underneath me and the other bent and resting against my chest. One of my arms were swung around the leg as my chin rested against it. My hands were occupied with a flower, demolishing the poor thing.

I had to keep my hands occupied so not to think about the hunger and the fact that none of us knew what to do now. We'd had a purpose for so long, and now we suddenly didn't have one anymore. I threw the remains of the demolished flower away with an angry flick of my hand, but it also allowed me to notice the two silhouettes that approached. "People coming." Arya's voice was a warning. She had noticed as well, and her warning was meant for Sandor.

I felt my heart skip a beat before I quickly scooted off the rock and went to stand behind my sister. "You can shit later. There's people coming." Arya yelled at Sandor when he didn't reply the first time. I heard the faint grunt of a reply before I slowly allowed my fingers to wrap around my own sword. I had begun carrying it on my belt instead of on my horse because I had come to fear it would run off one day and take my sword with it, if I kept it on my saddle.

"Morning." The blonde-haired woman greeted. She was incredibly tall, tall enough to compare with Sandor. She also looked like a knight, but knew how to stand like a Lady.

"Morning." I replied and looked her over. Her armor was dark blue. It looked new and then the golden sword that hanged at her side made me doubt who she was.

"I like your sword." Her compliment was meant for Arya just as she put it back in her belt. "Are we getting close to the Bloody Gate?" The tall woman asked and returned her attention to me.

"About 10 more miles." Arya told and gestured in the direction of the gate. I had hesitated, that was why she answered for me.

"Did you hear that, Podrick? Only 10 more miles to the Bloody Gate." The tall woman turned to a man fighting to climb up the hill behind her. I looked at the man and was almost certain I had seen him before. He wasn't as tall as the woman, nor did he look as tough as her. He was carrying two saddlebags on his shoulders and it made me wonder if they had lost their horses.

"Are you a knight?" Arya blurted out. Her question surprised us all.

"No." The woman replied confidently.

"But you know how to use that sword?" Arya continued her questions without thinking. I kept my eyes glued on the man that had arrived. He also looked at me for a moment and it was as if there were a short glimpse of recognition in them. He had seen me before as well. "I do." The blonde woman replied to Arya's question.

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