Chapter 10 - Nightly adventures

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          I had been tossing and turning all night after Astra left me, it had resulted in me leaving my bed quite quickly

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          I had been tossing and turning all night after Astra left me, it had resulted in me leaving my bed quite quickly. I had dressed again, favoring my dark brown robe that fit over my nightgown. I made sure it was tightly bound at my waist before finding my comb. It had always calmed me down whenever I had those reoccurring nightmares.

Ever since that day where I had almost been raped and Sandor had saved me, it had become a reoccurring nightmare. I let out a heavy sigh and lifted my feet up onto the small, cushioned bench I was seated on in front of the mirror. My arms wrapped around my knees and my chin came to rest on top of them as I blankly stared out through the balcony on my left.

The night sky was completely clear, and the millions of stars were shining clearly tonight. I drew in a few more calming breaths before even thinking about getting back up. I shifted on the stool and tried to get more comfortable, but I was restless for some reason.

Once back on my feet, I stretched my arms above my head and went to grab my shawl. I wrapped it around my shoulders and secured it with a pin before tying some of my hair up with the hairpin that father had given me when we first arrived in Kings Landing.

I stole another glance at myself in the mirror before turning to the secret passage I had discovered in my room a few days prior. It had been a pure accident because I had been bored in my room. After that incident, the Queen kept guards always stationed outside our rooms. We were never allowed anywhere without them.

The Queen kept a strict eye on us both, but more so my sister. I knew two guards had been stationed outside my room. They were there when Astra left. I briefly caught a glance of them when she opened the door.

The narrow passage was almost too small for even me. Luckily, I could still squeeze right through. I pulled my shawl tighter around my shoulders when I slipped into the garden. It was close by, and no one would bother me here at night. It was still within castle grounds, and therefore protected. I just had to keep my ears open for the sound of footsteps.

The only sound that accompanied me was the soft crunch of gravel beneath my soles. The sound entirely therapeutic along with the faint sounds of waves crashing against stone. The air was cold but not enough for me to feel cold, just enough for soft goosebumps to trace along my skin.

I shivered just a bit and decided to move on. I had momentarily halted to enjoy the view. From where I stood, it was possible to view the entire bay before the city and its high walls. Not many had ever survived laying siege to the city because of that wall. The edges of my lips curved up in a small smile before I forced myself to move on.

It had not yet been necessary for me to hide because I hadn't met any guards tonight. I only found it strange but didn't get to ponder more on the subject because faint voices reached my ears, along the unmistakable sound of multiple footsteps. Two quite heavier than the third.

I froze in place, standing completely out in the open. I had nowhere to hide here. The voices became clearer, and it wasn't until I saw she silhouette of three people coming around the corner on the opposite end of the path. Two men and one woman. Their clothes gave them away. It wasn't hard to see one was wearing a dress and the two other trousers.

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