Chapter 12 - Flowering

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          It had been years since I had been this bored

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It had been years since I had been this bored. The confinement to my room, was finally getting the better of me. I hadn't mentioned the adventure I had been on a few days ago to Astra. Even though I usually told her everything, I hadn't been able to find the place nor time to tell her. What would she even say once I gathered the courage to tell her what had happened.

I had only met her brother once in the following days. It had been by pure chance when I walked through the garden one afternoon with Astra at my side. He had frozen up rather awkwardly, making me arch a brow at him. He snapped out of it and lowered his head to me before Astra even noticed his behavior. I knew she would skin him alive if she ever found out.

The memory of him freezing up like a deer in headlights, still brought me immense joy. It was a memory I would treasure for a long while. I kept smiling whenever recalling that particular memory, but it usually faded right after because I remembered what else had transpired that night. Both men had been drunk, understandably their mind clouded as an effect, but it didn't excuse Sandor at all.

I groaned at the memory and shook my head violently before diving headfirst back into my pillows. I screamed into them out of pure embarrassment. What had become of me? It was becoming hard to recognize myself. Granted, I was getting older, but this was getting ridiculous, out of hand even. And one day my curiosity would definitely get the better of me.

Then Astra emerged, pushing open the door without even knocking while carrying a large bowl in both her hands. She even attained her usual bright smile. I glared at her from beneath the curtain of hair that had fallen over my face when I dove headfirst into the pillows. Her smile only grew wider when seeing my reaction and I groaned loudly before pulling the covers over my head.

I hid beneath them as she rummaged through the room, finding whatever dress she wanted to put me in today. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" Astra called from the other side of the bed and yanked on the sheets. I groaned in response and ignored her, but she wouldn't have it today. She wanted nothing to do with my childish protests today.

Astra yanked the covers clean off me within hesitating for even a second, leaving me to sit up with a death glare sent her way. She smiled even brighter but threw her hands up I surrender when I pushed my hair back away out of my face. I had gained the worst possible bed head from her yanking the covers clean off me.

She was ready for me even before I scooted off the bed. I smoothed out my hair to the best of my abilities before she helped me out of my nightgown. It didn't take long for me to get washed up and then dressed again. Astra had chosen a less extravagant dress today. It was dark purple, with many intricate patterns running up the skirt. It actually suited me quite a bit.

Only half of my hair had been braided back before being secured on the top of my head, in some intricate design of Astra's choosing. She had even incorporated the hairpin from my aunt. I seldomly went without it and wore it with pride. I was a Stark. A northerner. Something the Lannister's couldn't take from me, no matter how much they tried.

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