Chapter 21 - An old protector

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         Before I could find my way to Riverrun, I came to understand that the King in the North were no longer there

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Before I could find my way to Riverrun, I came to understand that the King in the North were no longer there. They had moved on to the Twins. The whole countryside was yapping about the wedding there were to be held there. The twins were further away, and it gave me some time to myself.

It had been hard finding food and places to sleep because I had to avoid people as much as I could. I was still a woman, and as Sandor had pointed out on multiple occasions, there were much worse than him out here. It didn't take many days for me to understand the severity of his words because I had dared steal weapons from a horse. I had taken a small dagger, a bow and a quiver.

I thought I had remained out of sight, but they had followed me. The three men found me around dark after I had dared light a small fire to cook the rabbit I had managed to catch. It wasn't until a branch cracked that I was made aware of their presence. They had surrounded me without me noticing, I was in trouble.

I remained crouched where I sat beside the fire. My hand had slowly moved down to grab the bow at my side, luckily the quiver laid right beside it, making me able to grab an arrow as well. My eyes traveled between them all as they emerged from the shadows. None of them carried long range weapons. So that meant, if I could just hurt one of them with the bow, then maybe I could get away.

"You stole from us, you little shit." The one closest to me sneered after they all had stopped moving. They were a dangerous bunch of people and I tried to watch them all but one of them kept staying in a blind spot. I slowly moved my other hand up to remove my hood. I had found a cloak in the stuff on the horse I had stolen from the brotherhood.

"What a pretty prize. We have ourselves a woman." The man on my right laughed. He lowered his weapon just a bit before holding the axe with both hands. He slurred his words in a strange way, the scent he was carrying unfamiliar to me. "A what now?" The man behind me asked, clearly not having understood his companion.

"A woman, you daft tumshie." The man on my right insulted. It was clear to understand that it must've been another word for moron or something. When their bickering began, I had moved my hand further down to grab the bow properly. I felt it between my fingers and knew I would be able to draw it before any of them could attack me.

"What's ya' laughin' at?" The man sneered at me when seeing my smile. It faded from my lips the second he confronted me. The man lowered his axe and resumed a less threatening stance. It was the opportunity I had needed. I grabbed the bow and spun around, aiming the arrow I had drawn as well towards the man behind me. I remained on one knee when releasing the arrow. It found its mark and buried itself in the shoulder of the man behind me.

It all happened before the two others could register what had happened. However, before I was able to spin back around another arrow was released from somewhere in between the trees facing me. The arrow flew straight past my cheek, I was certain that it cut me as well. A gasp left me as the arrow buried itself in one of the two men behind me. I heard the painful groan before he landed on the ground.

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