Chapter 47 - Covincing Cersei

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          "Where is she?" Cersei asked sounding rather annoyed as she broke the silence that had fallen around us all

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"Where is she?" Cersei asked sounding rather annoyed as she broke the silence that had fallen around us all. My head snapped her way but so did so many others. I had been looking after Sandor as he limped down the stairs, disappearing from the dragon pit entirely.

"She'll be here soon." Tyrion replied quite calmly in fact. I turned my attention to the half-man instead before lowering my gaze to the hands in my lap. I had gathered them there when the silence became too much but also because I had wanted to storm after Sandor, tell him it was alright and just to be there for him.

"Didn't travel with you?" Cersei growled at her brother. Tyrion was quick with a reply. "No." Tyrion didn't even look at his sister as the silence erupted again. I felt the edges of my lips move upward as a smile tugged on them at the scoff that escaped Cersei before she leant against the back of the chair. The queen was visibly annoyed with us all.

I dared raise my attention to the queen. She looked older, much older. She must've been through quite a lot. Her once long hair where now short and it made me wonder what had happened to her. However, I was not allowed to look at her for long before a loud screech disturbed the gathering. The white-haired queen had arrived.

The screech was loud and everyone who hadn't seen a dragon before, shot to their feet with amazement painted across their faces. It was clear to see that none of them had seen a dragon before, and yet Cersei remained where she was, looking unbothered by the dragon that landed not long after.

The biggest of the white-haired Queens dragons was the one carrying her, and it landed on the ruins of the arena before it released another loud screech. I had to cover my ears when the white-haired queen climbed down from the back of her dragon. Daenerys moved towards us all with long, secure strides while holding her hands gathered in front of her.

The Dragon roared behind her, making many cower a little before it flew off again. I smiled, knowing full well I'd had the same reaction when seeing the dragons for the first time. I had for a moment caught Cersei's gaze. Her eyes were as cold as ever, but they no longer had any effect on me.

"We've been here for some time." Cersei sneered at Daenerys who had just sat down opposite of Jon, beside her hand Tyrion. She looked like she truly belonged there.

The white-haired queen raised an eyebrow before she opened her mouth, hesitating with an answer before it left her. "My apologies." Daenerys' voice was sweet but dangerous.

I swung one leg over the other and crossed them as Tyrion slid down from his chair, ready to address the people gathered there. Tyrion had always been a smooth talker. He was great at addressing people, especially many people at gatherings. "We are all facing a unique-" He began.

"Theon. I have your sister." A man beside Cersei interrupted. I raised an eyebrow as he continued. "If you don't submit to me here and now, I'll kill her." The man was looking directly at Theon behind the white-haired Queen.

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