Chapter 60 - Lyanna Stark - I love you

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          I felt my chest constrict, limiting the air that could fill my lungs as King's landing came into view

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I felt my chest constrict, limiting the air that could fill my lungs as King's landing came into view. It had been around a fortnight before I left Winterfell with Jon. I had begged him to bring me along, I needed to go after Sandor, this couldn't just be the end. I had to understand why.

Tears swelled in my eyes when remembering the morning I woke up alone. There had been so many more since then, and the emptiness only reminded me of how much I missed him. My fingers dug into the wooden side of the ship before I pushed myself away.

Jon was standing beside Ser Davos, their conversation hushed and not of everyone to hear. It had been a long journey, and everyone was still tired from the last battle. The soreness hadn't left my own body just yet, so I could only grasp at how others felt.

"When will we arrive in King's landing?" I asked when approaching the pair. Ser Davos sighed and turned to me. "By sundown." The reply was short but gave me what I wanted. I nodded, to show I had heard his words before stepping away again.

I was so close and yet so far, my heart was aching, wondering if I would be too late or manage to get there in time. Time was short but Sandor and Arya had traveled by horse, the road long and full of obstacles, it would take them at least a fortnight.

I was one of the first to leave the ship, we had reached the harbor right outside King's landing, most of the terrain had been barred, leaving no cover for any enemies approaching. I had never seen anything like it as I moved to the encampment right outside the city.

I had overheard Jon speak about when they would attack, it would happen in the morning after first light, so everyone had been urged to find rest, but I simply couldn't find any. I was wondering the encampment, waiting, hoping, and praying I hadn't missed Sandor. They would have to pass through this encampment to get to King's landing.

I pulled the shawl tighter around my shoulders before I turned back towards the tent that had been given to me. First light was barely breaking though, and my courage had faltered believing that I had missed Sandor and Arya.

When I stepped onto the path that had been cleared through the encampment, I was almost trampled by two horses that was hurrying though the camp. A surprised shriek left me before I scurried away. "The fuck you doing here, girl!"

The voice that pierced the silence that had followed was painfully familiar and I hadn't needed to raise my gaze to understand who it was. My eyes snapped to the figure on the horse in front of me before he dismounted his horse. Sandor looked the same, a little thinner maybe but it was him.

It took everything in me not to throw myself at him and wrap my arms around this stupid man in front of me. "You shouldn't be here, go home!" Sandor growled at me before he turned back to his horse again. This time I acted, I darted forwards, ignoring the presence of my sister before I grabbed his arm, forcing him to look back at me.

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