Chapter 11 - Your Brothers' crimes

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          How stupid had I honestly been, stabbing Sandor with a hair pin

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          How stupid had I honestly been, stabbing Sandor with a hair pin. I hadn't seen him since. He had been busy following the king around, like a faithful little dog. However, the few times we had laid eyes on the other, he had scoffed, if not frowned and ignored me, clearly on purpose.

The first time I saw him after, I had instantly noticed the bandage bound around his left hand. He wore it as a badge of honor, yet it bothered me each time I saw it. My chest constricted in a way I couldn't describe. And guilt flooded my very being.

Astra grabbed my arm tightly after I had lingered too long, and my eyes had remained on Sandor. He stood next to the king again. Tall and fearsome, with a grim expression on his face. He wanted to be there even less than I. The king had called Sansa and I before him again. I had prepared myself for whatever torment he would throw our way.

I unhooked Astras fingers from my sleeve before stepping forth. Walking with long strides toward my sister already standing before the King. I slipped my hand into hers and reluctantly turned my head, letting my gaze fall upon the king.

The pious little shit was smirking when I did but I refused to display any form of emotion that would satisfy his sadistic needs even further. I narrowed my eyes at him and mentally prepared for what he would do next.

Joffrey licked his upper lip before briefly turning his attention to someone behind us. I braced myself for whatever torment he had in store for us. "You're both here to answer for your brother's latest treason." Joffrey finally spoke up and topped picking at his fingernails. Next, he grabbed his crossbow and aimed it directly at us.

Sansa flinched but I didn't move an inch. I refused to give him the satisfaction. Joffrey arched a brow at my clear act of defiance before his finger shifted to the firing mechanism. I was shaking with fear, no denying that but I didn't let Joffrey see it.

Then Sansa's knees gave in, and she dropped to the floor. I quickly followed and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She grabbed my arm and rested her chin on my shoulder. She was sobbing loudly while begging for mercy. My scared little sister was shaking so badly, all I could do was hold her even tighter.

Next steps behind us. I shifted away from my sister but only enough to see who it was that had dared step forth. It was another golden-haired boy. Most definitely a Lannister. I scowled at him, daring him to take another step closer.

All this happened while Sansa found her voice again. "Your Grace, whatever my traitor brother has done I had no part. You know that. I beg you, please—" Sansa pleaded, still crying loudly. Yet she kept her tight grip on my arm. I rested my chin on her back, just holding her tight. It was all I could do while I waited for the enviable. We would not walk away from this unscathed.

Then Sansa sobbed louder, the moment I shifted my attention back to Joffrey. He had aimed the crossbow at me now, while his fingers rested uncomfortably against the trigger. I held the boys stare until it bored him enough to lower the weapon.

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