Chapter 35 - Curiousness aren't always a good thing

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          The village life hadn't been easy to adjust to at but when I finally did, the days quickly faded together and made me wonder whether we could stay here and make a new life

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The village life hadn't been easy to adjust to at but when I finally did, the days quickly faded together and made me wonder whether we could stay here and make a new life. Sandor seemed somewhat content with the work, it kept him busy and in a somewhat good mood. It was a relief to see him like this.

I had come to ponder more than once, whether it would be a life I would be content living. I had seen so much of Westeros, had many adventures and all with this stupid man still sleeping in front of me. My smile only grew wider at the thought before I reached a hand up towards his face. The tip of my fingers traced the fine lines above his beard.

The scar had healed so much as if someone had taken care of it while they took care of his leg as well. It looked better and not as terrifying as it had done before. Or maybe it's only because I've become used to looking at it. Sandor twitched unconsciously before an arm was wrapped around me.

I was pulled closer to him, and it kept me from touching his cheek again. I lowered my hand and rested my head against his chest after I had gathered my arms in front of me. I could hear the faint snoring and feel how his chest rose in a slow rhythm, but there was something else that bothered me.

Sandor normally didn't do this in his sleep and when he suddenly shifted closer again, I understood what it was that had bothered me. Something poked against my thigh. A gasp left me, but I managed to mask it with my hand. Sandor stirred but didn't do much else.

I remembered quite clearly it was like this the first the time he touched me. I was for a moment allowed to touch him as well and from the reaction he gave me at that time, I knew it wasn't unpleasant. When a certain bravery consumed me again, I allowed my hand to travel down. I gently placed my hand over his bulge, it wasn't as hard as the last time, but it was there. The male part was a wonderous thing that I didn't know much about.

Sandor shifted and before I could take my hand back, he had grabbed my wrist with a sudden jerk of his own. The quick motion had surprised me enough to release another gasp. "The fuck you think you're doing?" Sandor growled at me before quickly moving my hand above the covers. My eyes had shifted to his face when he spoke. Had it not been so dark still I was certain he would have seen the bright red color on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-" I trailed of when he suddenly sat up. The way he had looked at me compelled me to get up as well. I got onto my knees and tried to get him to look at me. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." I apologized again. This time it made Sandor look at me completely. His eyes narrowed, I could see it from the dim light of the fire behind me.

"Do not touch me so carelessly, wasn't that what you spat at me one time?" Sandor asked. The velocity of his words made me sit back down on my legs, increasing the distance between us. He was in a foul mood this morning. "I'm not a toy you can play with whenever you feel horny." Sandor growled at me again. His voice was kept low, almost in a whisper but I didn't misunderstand at all.

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