Chapter 59 - Divided paths

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          We had separate things to do during the day and I didn't see Sandor for most of it

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We had separate things to do during the day and I didn't see Sandor for most of it. It was the same today. Our little charade in the library this morning had earned us a couple of stares from Sam. I hoped he hadn't told Jon, despite my hopes I feared he already knew as so many others had come to know. I could see it in their faces whenever I was near them with Sandor at my side.

I heaved a sigh and threw the basket to the ground. Sansa had been following me around, complaining about the white-haired Queen. I sent her one look and she understood, luckily. She sent me an apologetic look before we went our separate way. I was quick to find refuge in the Goodswoods again.

I took a deep breath and sunk to my knees in front of the Weirwood tree. I allowed my forehead to rest against the trunk of it again. I did this to feel more connected to the tree as I said my prayers to the old gods, or just needed to empty my head. The snow was cold, which made it unbearable to remain kneeling for a longer period of time, but I wasn't about to give up. I needed this moment to myself.

A strange tingling sensation made a shiver go through me and I felt as if someone was watching me. My eyes snapped open when my head jerked in the direction. I had been right. Sandor was leaned against a tree not far from me. "Prayers don't do shit. The dead are dead. And there ain't no gods that can change it-" He started but I rolled my eyes at him.

"As Brother Ray said, there must be something larger than ourselves, may it be the old gods, the new gods, the god of light or whoever there is, there must be something." I sighed and took a step towards him. However, as he always had been able to read me, I was getting better at doing the same to him. There was something with him. His expression had changed a little when I snapped at him, and mentioned Brother Ray.

I closed the distance between us. Sandor watched me carefully and raised an eyebrow when I stopped in front of him. "How's your day been?" I asked and tried to make conversation but Sandor shrugged it off with a grunt. "Not particularly exciting." He groaned, lowering his head to me. I didn't get to say anything else before lips were on mine.

I was surprised to say the least but he wouldn't let me go when I broke the kiss to breathe. Sandor was ready again and didn't hesitate pulling me closer to him by wrapping his arms around me. It was a needy kiss and a rare one. There was definitely something on his mind that he wouldn't tell me.

I was adamant to have him release me and once I had forced him to do so, we stood inches from each other, my hands on either of his arms, holding tightly around his clothes. Our breaths was elevated and I needed a second to catch my breath. "What's wrong?" I immediately asked once I caught his gaze.

Sandor frowned before he grabbed my hands and got me to release his clothes. He held them for a moment before guiding them to a place I hadn't expected. "This is what's wrong-" He snapped at me when he allowed me to feel the erection in his pants. "This morning-" Sandor cut himself off when I obliged to his request before he could ask it.

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