Chapter 17 - The Brotherhood without banners

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          I doubted if I would ever become any decent at sword fighting because every time I tried fighting back or just try to block Sandor in any way, I would usually end up on the ground

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          I doubted if I would ever become any decent at sword fighting because every time I tried fighting back or just try to block Sandor in any way, I would usually end up on the ground. I groaned when stumbling once more. I landed on all four again but instead of getting back up right away, I allowed my head to hang low. "Enough, I can't continue-" I sighed and lifted my head to look at Sandor.

Sandor raised an eyebrow at me, but he lowered his sword nonetheless. I groaned before pushing myself up to sit on the back of my legs, keeping my back straight. I was tired and hungry, I had no strength left to fight tonight. Sandor reached a hand down to me, I took it after due consideration. It no longer surprised me whenever he did this. I had seen so many sides of him, I had never guessed he would have.

Sandor helped me to my feet again before he sidestepped me and walked back towards the small fire we had dared build tonight. We had made camp for the night a few hours ago. It was an ideal place because there was a small stream not far from here and the trees alongside the riverbend gave enough cover for us to stay out of sight from prying eyes.

I had even got to wash for the first time in days. It would never compare to getting a bath, but it was enough for me to feel somewhat clean. I bent down to pick up my sword again, it was still lying on the ground where it had landed when I stumbled and lost it. I sheeted the sword before returning to the fire as well.

I threw myself down onto the bedding. My fur was lying across it, it provided more than just comfort. I allowed my fingers to run through the fur while raising my knees to my chest and wrapping my other arm around them. I rested my head on top of my knees when redirecting my attention to Sandor. Once again, he was sharpening his sword. It must give him some sort of comfort or just a calm moment.

I enjoyed watching him, mostly because it reminded me of father but also because it gave me time to relax. The silence that usually fell between us weren't awkward, it was enough for both of us to just be in each other's company. "Sandor-" I spoke softly, disturbing the silence between us. "Hm-" He grunted without looking at me, to show me he was listening. "You remember when my father was beheaded?"

Sandor tensed and lowered the objects in his hands almost instantly. I gained his full attention all at once. It surprised me enough to raise my head. "I'm sorry for what I called you, I shouldn't have-I was just so angry." I trailed off after I had changed my words. Sandor relaxed again and returned to what he was doing. There was no reply from him as he avoided my efforts in making eye contact with him again.

I returned to playing with the fur. This wasn't unlike Sandor, he would usually do this whenever I tried apologizing, or ask him about something personal. I heaved a sigh in defeat, resting my head against my knees again. I didn't try to talk to him anymore, I just allowed my thoughts to engulf me. It wasn't until a yawn escaped me that I laid down. I kept my back to the fire and curled up into a ball underneath Sandor's travel cloak.

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