Chapter 14 - Fleeing Kings Landing

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          The sounds of battle traveled across the entire city

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          The sounds of battle traveled across the entire city. I could hear everything from my room in the Red Keep. But not once did I raise my head from its position on the bed. It wasn't until a great flash of green lid up my entire room that I shifted away. A loud gasp left me when I jumped to my feet and quickly moved to the balcony.

When I turned my attention towards the harbor, I could see how green light engulfed the entire city because Wildfire was swallowing the entire bay. The enemy ships were instantly swallowed by the flames that didn't burn like ordinary fire. War had always been a horrifying thing, and death always followed. Thousand would be dead by morning, be it Lannister soldiers or Baratheon soldiers.

When realizing I couldn't see a thing from the balcony, I lowered my head in defeat. I was too far away. I turned away from the balcony and returned to my room again. It was getting late, and the war would most likely go on for the entire night.

I threw myself onto my bed, burying myself in the fur again. It brought me so much more comfort than I could ever describe. I laid there for quite a long time, undisturbed by nothing than the distant screams and sound of metal against metal, singing in the distance. It wasn't until distant footsteps could be heard. They were heavy and coming closer and closer.

It brought me back from the distant slumber. I scurried away from my bed just seconds before the steps stopped, right outside the door. I stood frozen, like a deer in headlights, waiting for what would happen next. Someone tried to open my door, but it wouldn't open because I had remembered to bar it. Then there were a larger thud and the door opened instantly.

I shrieked and fell to my knees behind my bed, trying to stay out of sight but when nothing else happened, I dared raise my head again. Barely allowing myself hope that it was someone who had come to rescue me and not take advantage of the situation. My eyes landed on a tall silhouette in the doorway, and it wasn't until he stepped forward that I saw who he was. "Sandor?" I shrieked, not masking my annoyance at all.

Sandor raised his head and looked at me when I said his name. There was something in his eyes that hinted regret. He regretted coming here. "What are you doing here." I asked when standing up again. Sandor lowered his gaze, and I came to understand he had come directly from the battle. He was covered in filth, dirt and blood.

It took a moment for Sandor to register my question. He growled loudly and yanked something from his armor before reaching it out to me. It was the hairpin I had given to him before the battle. "I came to return this before I leave." Sandor sighed. I hesitated but reach for it. He passed it to me quite roughly before turning back to my door.

"Leave? Where will you go?" I asked while holding tightly onto my hairpin. My question gained his full attention. And for a moment he looked like one who had to consider his next words. "Some place that isn't burning." Sandor sighed, looking utterly defeated. My eyes widened before I briefly turned towards the balcony, the green light from the Wildfire in the distance was still illuminating the city.

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