Chapter 48 - Finally going home

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          I followed the queen with my eyes as she left

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I followed the queen with my eyes as she left. She never once looked back at anyone, and it was clear that the conversation was over. I heaved a defeated sigh. Sandor scoffed and released my arm before taking a step away from me. It made me look back at him as Ser Davos spoke.

"I wish you hadn't done that." Ser Davos heaved a defeated sigh when he approached Jon. Jon raised an annoyed eyebrow and turned to the older man with a dissatisfied look on his expression.

He broke the silence that had erupted between us after most of the people here had already gotten up onto their feet again. I understood why Jon had bend the knee, Daenerys was a powerful ally in the wards to come against the dead, but I still didn't fully trust her to be a good Queen. It wasn't much I had learnt about her from our travels, but she still seemed better than Cersei.

After a while, Daenerys stood up as well and stormed to Jon's side. "I'm grateful for your loyalty, but my dragon died so that we could be here. If it's all for nothing, then he died for nothing." Daenerys' voice where breaking a bit and it affected Jon.

"I know!" He tried to sound like he knew what would happen now but none of us did. This meeting had been ended and Cersei wouldn't help. I wrapped my arms around my chest before turning away from Jon again. I moved to stand in the edge of the platform. I needed a moment to myself. Was this meeting just a waste of time? Cersei would never understand.

"I'm pleased you bent the knee to our queen." Tyrion spoke up. He was still standing with his back to Jon and Daenerys. "I would have advised it had you asked. But have you ever considered learning how to lie every now and then? Just a bit?" Everyone was angry at Jon, and I couldn't blame them, nor did I blame Jon for not wanting to lie. Our father had always lived by those principles and had been the most honorable man I had known. Jon had always tried to live by his guidance.

"I'm not gonna swear an oath I can't uphold. Talk about my father if you want. Tell me that's the attitude that got him killed. But when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies." Jon turned to Tyrion, visibly distraught. "And lies won't help us in this fight." Jon ended firmly. He stood turned towards Tyrion awaiting his answer.

"That is indeed a problem." Tyrion sighed. "The more immediate problem is that we're fucked." He added also sounding quite defeated. I felt his words clearly, but I wasn't the only one who did. "Any ideas as to how we might change that state of affairs?" Ser Davos asked trying to break the negative mood that had erupted.

"Only one." Tyrion sighed. "Everyone stays here. And I go and talk to my sister." The option be presented didn't sit well with Daenerys and she moved towards him instead. "I didn't come all this way to have my Hand murdered." She sneered at Tyrion who didn't even look at her. The entire situation now took a turn I had never thought it would.

"I don't want Cersei to murder me, either. I could have stayed in my cell and saved a great deal of trouble." Tyrion argued when Jon stepped forth. "I did this. I should go." I raised an eyebrow and looked at Jon with surprise. If he went before Cersei, he would not get to walk out of here alive.

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