Chapter 25 - A Choice

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          "Gonna rain soon

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"Gonna rain soon." Arya sighed when she threw another radish to me. We had been lucky enough to find some when we stopped for a break. I caught the radish midair before brushing the dirt off it. I examined it, it had a nice color to it and looked ripe enough to eat. I bit into it while crouching because I had seen even more on the ground, randomly spread around. "Where are we?" Arya suddenly asked to no one in particular, but loud enough for Sandor to hear as well.

He had stepped away and begun urinating. I heard the water splashing against the ground, so I hadn't needed to guess what he was doing. Normally, Sandor wouldn't have a care in the world how indecent he was around us. I had seen his dick on more than one occasion. A sight I would have been without, but he clearly didn't care at all. "Near Fairmarket, I think." Sandor replied when he finished.

I turned my head over my shoulder but regretted because Sandor hadn't finished putting himself away. I rolled my eyes and turned away again. Sandor wasn't wrong, we had reached the outlands to the north already and there wouldn't be far yet to the Eyrie.

"You think?" Arya groaned. "You don't have a map?" She added with a condescending tone. I raised an eyebrow and looked to her after I had plucked a few radishes from the ground again. Her question had been extremely odd and unneeded. Why would Sandor have a map? I rolled my eyes again and brushed some dirt off the radishes I had found. I had a whole handful now.

"No, I don't have a map." Sandor sneered. He sounded annoyed at her. Arya shrugged and began nibbling at the radishes she had picked. It wasn't much food, but it was something. Sandor groaned in annoyance before he turned back to the horses. We had stopped to rest but also to water the horses. I watched him fill the bucket with water and offer it to one of the horses.

I followed Arya and crouched down beside the small stream. I decided to wash the radishes. I didn't mind the dirt, but they tasted better this way. "Maybe we should get one." Arya continued the discussion with Sandor. He groaned loudly and lowered the bucket.

"Where do you suggest we get one?" Sandor asked uninterested. His tone the mocking one he always used to annoy Arya. "Just point out the next map shop you see, and I'll buy you one." Sandor mocked this time. Arya merely frowned at him and disrespectfully mimicked him behind his back.

I chuckled, shaking my head lightly. Arya's head snapped to me instead. "Shut up Lyra." She groaned. Her words only made my smile even wider. When I finished washing the radishes, I straitened up and moved towards Sandor. I offered him one of the radishes. He raised an eyebrow at me but took the radish from me anyway.

I smiled and took a bite out of another one before I turned to my own horse. I even offered one to it as well. I had come to care for this horse, it had carried me a long way already.

The place we had found was quite secluded, beside the small stream there were a bridge on our right, and threes on out left. The field we had just been in, picking radishes were behind us. "How far is it to the Eyrie then?" Arya asked after a while. "And you're sure we're going the right way?" She continued, her questions didn't come all to unexpected.

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