Chapter 28 - The Bloody Gate

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          The only way into the Eyrie was a path only three man wide, with high rocks on either side

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The only way into the Eyrie was a path only three man wide, with high rocks on either side. This had for many years been their defense because if you wanted to attack, you had to do it here on this very road. It had surprised me how many traveled on this path, but also how lousy it was. We had been forced to dismount our horses and walk to the bloody gate.

The road was rocky and unstable, and I had already stumbled more than once, almost faceplanting into the pavement. The third time I stumbled, Sandor was quick enough to grab me by the arm and keep me upright. It was quite the annoyed sound he made at me when yanking me to my feet again. "Maybe you should learn how to walk." Sandor growled when he did.

I had tried to smile apologetically to him, but he only rolled his eyes at me and pushed me ahead of him. The action almost making me trip as well. Arya had only laughed at us. For once it wasn't her that Sandor was annoyed at, and she clearly enjoyed it a little too much as she continued their conversation. "I thought it'd make me happy, but it doesn't. Not really." She shrugged.

I rubbed the place on my arm where Sandor had grabbed me, it was already a little sore. Sandor noticed my movements and scoffed before he turned to answer Arya instead. "Nothing makes you happy." He was a bit scornful when talking to her, but it wasn't more than usual.

I pushed my hair out of my face and secured a few loose strands behind my ears. It had grown a lot just like Arya. When we first reunited her hair hadn't reached below her ears, now it was already to her shoulders again. I had seen my reflection in the small streams and lakes we had camped by. It had become increasingly hard to recognize myself, I saw a woman now, but also a malnourished one.

I hadn't been eating properly since we left King's landing. It had been hard to find food and when you didn't have silver, or gold, to buy everything, it wasn't just the easiest thing to acquire. I had gotten better at hunting rabbits and searching for berries, but it wouldn't be enough to quench the constant hunger that seemed to be there.

I heaved a defeated sigh and turned my head back to Sandor and Arya again. They had lost weight as well, I could clearly see it in Sandor. His armor almost looked one size to big on him. Where it had been snug before, it now barely sat properly. Sandor raised an eyebrow at my starring, and it made me turn away from him, acting as if I had been caught doing something I shouldn't have.

"Lots of things make me happy." Arya continued to argue with Sandor as we continued down the path towards the bloody gate. I was having a hard time concentrating about their conversation while staying concentrated about the path ahead of me. I had to look where I placed my feet because I still feared faceplanting directly into the pavement.

"Like what?" Sandor asked but it was a genuine question, it carried the same mocking undertone he always used. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hairpin out from underneath my clothes. It was the family heirloom father had given me, the one my aunt Lyanna had owned.

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