Chapter 24 - Chickens

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          The road was long and since winter were coming, it only became harder to find food

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The road was long and since winter were coming, it only became harder to find food. Within days I came to feel a hunger I had never felt before. It was something I doubted I would ever get used to.

After our encounter with the Frey men, we had moved further north, staying close the king's road but never traveling on it. When de did this, it would ensure we stayed out of trouble, unless it found us first. Luckily, Sandor wasn't the most approachable person which often scared people enough to leave us alone.

We had stumbled upon an inn not far from the King's Road, it was far enough away from it, not to be used by the majority if the traveler. We were all incredibly hungry, it had at least been a day since we got anything proper to eat. My stomach growled loudly when the smell of roasted chicken reached me from the inn. I savored what I could before turning away again.

Sandor had practically forbidden us to go near it, there were five horses tethered outside, which meant there were already people inside. None of us could distinguish if it was friend or foe. "I'm hungry! You're hungry." Arya argued after I had turned away. Sandor growled loudly and turned back to her again. He had also been ready to leave.

"Five horses, five men." Sandor reminded her before he gestured to the horses. "It's more than I like killing on an empty stomach." Sandor hissed in a low whisper before he tried to get Arya to turn away. But when he did, two men stepped outside.

I noticed Arya's entire demeanor change as she recognized one of the men. She was quick to avoid Sandor and move closer to the bushes hiding us. "I know him!" She exclaimed. "The small one. His names Polliver. He captured us and took us to Harrenhal- He killed Lommy." Arya informed after she had gestured to the smallest of the men. I quickly moved back to stand beside her. I examined the two men as they rustled with their pants before hey pulled their cock's out and began urinating.

"What the fucks a Lommy?" Sandor groaned uninterested as my face contorted in disgust because I would've rather been without the sight of the two men urinating. It was quite enough that Sandor did it. Men apparently had no regards for how indecent it was.

"He was my friend. Polliver stole my sword and put it right through his neck." Arya's voice had become low, sending a chill down my spine.

"He still got it." Arya barely chuckled when she saw her sword at the hip of the small man. I noticed her stare and looked in the same direction. She was right, at the man's side hanged a small sword, too small for him but perfect for Arya. It was the one Jon had made for her in Winterfell, the one she received as a gift before we departed to Kings Landing.

"Got what?" Sandor still sounded uninterested even though he asked. It was strange considering he continued to ask questions. "My sword-needle." Arya informed, her eyes never wavered from the man nor the sword at his hip. She really wanted it back. It wasn't hard to see.

"Needle?" Sandor repeated in a mockingly tone. "Of course, you named your sword." He laughed, continuing his mockery of Arya. I instantly nudged an elbow into his side, trying to get him to stop. Sandor bluntly ignored me and continued grinning. I knew far too well that their bickering would lead to one of them doing something rash, properly mostly Arya but it was just as bad.

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