Chapter 50 - North

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          The long summer had finally ended, but with it came a new enemy

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The long summer had finally ended, but with it came a new enemy. A dangerous enemy. We had arrived at White Harbor a few days ago and was now moving towards Winterfell. Jon rode beside the white-haired Queen, and I was just a few meters behind them.

I kept my head high despite how broken I felt. After Sandor and me, had had that argument and he showed his cards, we had not spoken together at all. Jon had noticed and tried asking but I had told him to leave it alone.

Sandor rode a few meters behind me, I could feel him staring at me, but I ignored him the best I could. I had prepared a new outfit in Dragonstone. I might hate sowing, but I still knew how to handle a needle. I had made a long tunic, from a dark blue fabric. It reached well below my calves, hovering just above the ground, and hiding the high boots underneath.

The tunic was also long sleeved and tight fitting, sitting like a corset around the upper part of my body before opening for better movement, underneath I wore a pair of light brown pants and around my shoulders I wore a black fur, fastened with a house Stark brooch.

"I warned you." Jon spoke suddenly and it made me look up at his back. He was speaking to Daenerys at his side. She had disregarded her Hand's wish and traveled by horse to Winterfell. "Northerners don't much trust outsiders." Jon added.

I chuckled before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Jon was right. We were passing a small village on our way to Winterfell. The large castle visible in the distance. My eyes were glued on the sight, and it made me oblivious to the next thing that happened.

Over our heads, flew the dragons. They roared loudly and my horse pranced, rising into its full height. I screamed loudly and for a moment I saw myself being dragged behind it just as I had been all those years ago. I fumbled with the reins but lost them and slipped out of the iron stirrups. I was thrown from the horse and landed on the hard cold ground. The force almost knocked me out.

A low groan left me before hands suddenly wrapped around my arms and pulled me up into a sitting position. It took me a while to focus on the person in front of me but when I did, I came to understand I was sitting face to face with Sandor. He raised an eyebrow at me when another pair of footsteps reached my ears. "Lyra, are you alright?" It was Jon.

I smiled and nodded. Jon sighed when Sandor pulled me to my feet again. He hesitantly released me again and when he did one of my hands moved to the back of my head. I was almost certain I could feel a small bump forming already where my head had made impact with the ground.

I was cursing myself and my clumsiness when someone brought my horse back to me. Sandor stayed close even when I mounted the black horse again. He was quick to mount his own brown stallion, however this time he remained by my side. I could see him keep an eye on me as if he didn't trust me to handle myself. I was ready to bite at him but when I turned my head, my eyes landed on a much to familiar silhouette. Arya.

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