Chapter 030

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A/n ; Sawrry for not updating yesterday 😃😃😃 i was sick and my throat hurt like hell

A/n ; Sawrry for not updating yesterday 😃😃😃 i was sick and my throat hurt like hell

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TW 🚫 // blood

30 : black roses

❝ Then, what about me? ❞

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❝ Then, what about me? ❞

Weirded out by his question, Jangmi stared at him, wide-eyed. ❝ What...? ❞ His question obviously didn't connect towards his wording from earlier.

Jake sighed heavily while blowing lips out of his pinkish pouty lips. ❝ I guess I'm still not considered as a friend to you. ❞ Like a saddened puppy, he sighed again while chomping off the light green colored popsicle.

❝ Since when did I say that? ❞ Jangmi denied, chewing on the freezing cold popsicle of her own. 

Side-eyeing her playfully, Jake scoffed. ❝ You just did right now. Jay can't be the only one who cares about you and love you. Hello??? ❞ Jake already accepted their friendship to bloom but disappointingly, the missy still didn't take his words seriously.

❝ You're telling me that you care about me and love me, eh? ❞ Unbelievably, Jangmi laughed since her so-called smart tutor was acting all childish. She knew that this guy's words were sincere but she didn't wanna be too obvious with it as if she's too taken in with his care.

❝ I wouldn't be wasting my concerns on you if I don't care about your well-being. ❞ Gazing upon the twinkly stars, the Sim sourly smiled to himself.

❝ I guess I do feel honored, Mr Sim. ❞ Jokingly, she started using honorifics as they made Jake cackle. 

❝ Is that all you have to say? ❞ 

She knew that he was waiting for another response but of course, the youngster decided to mess around. ❝ Yeah. What else do I have to say? ❞

❝ Nothing, of course. ❞ The quirky boy plastered a fake smile before finishing his popsicle as he decided to sit in silence again.

❝ Just to let you know, the bad things existing in your life are just temporary. Nothing ever lasts forever. So you don't have to be distressed about your misery extending in your lifeline. ❞ What Jake told was truth but the young man chose to hid some horrifying  facts about it.

DEFIANTLY YOURS.┃ sim jake ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now