The Outlander Who Caught the Wind

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Peaceful....that was all you felt while standig under the shade of Monstadts symbol, Windrise.

Strange... why would you feel peaceful when you knew someone was watching your every move.

???: "Ehe" was all you heard before a strong breeze blew through your hair, though with it came  a beautiful tune. The red Windwheel Asters flew before your eyes together with the white Cecilia, swirling together like a blizzard of petals.

Y/N: "Who are you?  Or better yet, where are you? And where did all these flowers come from, especially those Cecilias they only grow at Starsnatch Cliff?" you shouted, now being alarmed and ready to draw your Bow any second.

???: "Ehe" there it was again, this time you heard it more clear. It came from above.

Y/N: " There you are! Now mind telling me your name? After all is it not quite rude to stalk someone for nearly half a day?" you half asked half shouted, getting quite aggrevated toward the end.

???: " Ehe...I wouldn't call it stalking, more like adoring my new muse. As a bard I find you quite interesting. A traveller that comes to Windrise before entering Monstadt, that isn't something I see everyday." The green clothed stranger said proudly.

Y/N: "Muse? Me? You must confuse me, I am but a simple traveller.  Nothing special to see?" You stated in your confusion.

After all who wouldn't be confused. You were a simple traveller with very few intact memorys and a bow, so how could this "bard", with an atrocious taste in green clothing, be inspired by you?

???: "Eh? A simple traveller you say? If that were the case then what about that little vision of yours mhh? That alone is enough to rouse my interest." the bard in green stated.

Y/N: "My Vision?" This bard...why is he so interested in my Geo Vision? Is it because there are no others who bear the element of geo? No you knew of two others, one being the weird alchemist you met around dragonspine,the other being a maid, tho you have yet to meet her. But that did not matter, right now that bard was getting rather irritating .

"Listen I appreciate your kind words but I will take my leave now...whoever you are"You said deciding to finally visit Monstadt instead of being creept out by a stalking bard.


POV:3rd Person

Instead of following the path straight to Monstadt our rather small geo-archer took a small detour after hearing some fighting sounds near the waypoint.

After a short sprint up the hill it was clear what made these noises. Up ahead Y/N saw a Girl dressed in red using a bow to set Hilichurls ablaze, while a blonde boy seemingly utilized an anemo vision to create a swirl effect.

Just like that the Hilichurls were gone and the two strangers and the fairy started chatting...wait fairy?! The appearence of the small child like creature confused the young archer, but before he could question it any further he noticed another Hilichurl hiding in a bush and charging a pyro infused arrow aimed at the seemingly young blonde.


Amber: " So Traveller,how was it?" I asked him. I was so excited to finally have a helping hand against these annoying hilichurl camps.

Traveller: "Oh it was quite refreshing actually! I barely broke a.." but before he could continue I noticed a red blur in one of the bushes behind him. Before it could do any harm I shouted as loud as possible knowing I couldn't reach him quick enough.

Amber:" Traveller DUCK!" And with that loud command I barely noticed the orange blur speeding past me and by extend the Traveller, only to hit the Hilichurl bullseye before it could release the arrow. Confused I turned around only to hear an unknown voice speak.

???: " Hey you two,are you both alright?" Who was he? And why was most of his body hidden under a cloak?

POV: Aether

Shakingly I turned around ,only to be met by a dissolving Hilichurl with the arrow that nealy hit me stuck in his head. Wait,did Amber seriously call me Traveller? I told her my name, did she forget it already?! Talking about Amber who is she talking to? Was that not her arrow?

???: "Hey blondie,are you good?" Wait...huh?? they are both staring at me?

???: "Sorry about that arrow,are you ok? You look a bit pale right now." oh..he was talking to me? Get it together Aether a cute boy is talking to you and your standing here like a loveable idiot.

Aether: "Oh yeah I'm totally fine haha..." Why did I laugh?! This is so awkward even Paimon is staring suspiciously at me.

???: "Ah,where are my manners. My name is Y/N, traveller on his way to Monstadt. Who might you be?" He said while performing a respectful bow. God I can't crush on the first cute guy I see,relax and answer calmly Aether.

Aether: "Uh...I am A-Aether,nice to meet you?" Why did I have to stutter?!

Paimon: "And Paimon is ...well Paimon!" Thank god she covered my complete failure of a first impression.

Amber: "You know if you want you can accompany me and Aether to Monstadt.It's your destination too right?" What? No don't invite the cute guy I can't stay calm around him.

Y/N: "Sure beats going alone..and the chances of a bard stalking me."Huh what was the second Part?why did he mumble it?Well who cares I wanna sit somewhere and question my entire life.


A/N: Reminder this is my first story and I would be happy about any criticism or feedback,grammer or spelling mistakes could be overseen sometimes.Though I hope the grammer isn't too bad.

Well let me know what you think :D

Disclaimer only the charakter Y/N is my creation the rest belongs to mihoyo

(Will try to keep updates consistent)

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