Island Horror Ritou

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This chapter contains no spoiler for 2.5


It was a beautiful morning for the Geo vision bearer as he was quietly walking over the deck of the Alcor and vanishing into the kitchen. Scattered all around the Alcor were the actual sailors of the ship who appear to be in a deep slumber, one could only presume from the small feast Y/n created yesterday since he was unaware of how much they ate and so Beidou was the first to bring out whole barrels of alcohol to drink every single sailor under the table with the exception of Aether and Y/n. Of course Kazuha also remained sober, but only because of his fear of the Inazuman Ocean.

Deciding to only cook a small breakfast, Y/n was able to wake most of the crew with the smell alone, of course they took the time to clean the decks of the parties remains while Beidou simply walked past them into the kitchen to see Y/n cooking sausages and scrambled egg in very large proportions, well to him at least, Beidou who was used to seeing so much cooked food walked over to offer some help in carrying everything.

Beidou: "Y'know it has only been a day and I'm already dead sure the crew will miss you little Chef! " She suddenly said rather fondly, suprising the smaller male who was until that second humming a song that made Beidou feel at ease.

Y/n: "AH! Oh it's just you Beidou phew...I think I saw the other side and that black clothed lady from the firework show. Anyways I doubt they'll miss me that much Beidou. On the point of food, would you help me carry these plates to deck? I fear I lack the required amout of hands." He told her, wheezing slightly after he calmed down from that scare.

Beidou: "Of course! *graps biggest plates* now c'mon little chef, the crew is hungry!" She called him from the deck, how she got their that fast? A mystery only Kazuha had ever solved.

Joining the rest on deck he watched as many seemed to revive from their hungover self to some active sober people, Paimon too was a joyous sight to behold, floating in the air with three sausages in her mouth while a stolen sausage of Aether's plate mysteriously appeared in her hands. Said male however was to busy admirering the islands of Inazuma that passed by, watching the many different shades of leaves that could be seen. Their Orange, pink or purple colour seemed to fit perfectly into the scenery, much to his amazement.


Beidou: "Welp this is the part where I leave you two, sorry I can't help with the rest, but I kinda still have that fugetive on board so yeah. Anyway see you around little chef, Aether!" She shouted the last part over her shoulder, already walking onto her ship again.

Aether: "Well...Here we are? Inazuma huh, nice place so far." He said, still not believing how easy it was to get here.

Y/n: "Yeah...I guess so. Go on ahead I'll just go down and wave Beidou while they can still see me, also to hide my vision before someone sees it." It was painfully obvious to Aether why it felt slightly weird here. The lack of Visions became obvious very quickly, while they were always able to spot one whenever they entered Mondstadt or Liyue, they weren't able to spot a single one anywhere, except for the pyro weilder walking straight up to Aether.

So while Y/n enjoyed the view a bit longer Aether already socialized with the first person, it was Y/n's wish to have so much energy for social interactions as Aether had. Noticing them both staring at him he decided to walk over to them.

Y/n: "Greetings..uh...Stranger! How can we help you?" He asked the unkown blonde male while pulling down his hood, earning a gasp from the stranger who quickly pulled the hood back over Y/n's face.

???: "*Gasps very dramatically* The Kamisato spies were right it apears. Sorry for the rough treatment, my name is Thoma! Housekeeper of the Kamisato Estate. I recommend you keep your  hood up for now, we can't have the authorities see you face. They'll immediatly alert the Shogun herself of her double." He told them in a hushed voice.

Y/n: "Very well, I may not like the idea, but it's better than being hunted by the commissions. Thanks for telling me Thoma!" He said with a bright smilethat made Thoma blush, meanwhile Paimon tried to restrain Aether from murdering their new friend.

Thoma: "Always a pleasure, but I haven't come here for idle chit-chat. i've come to escort you to the Kamisato Estate. You both have been requested by my Lady the Shirasagi Himegim herself! Sadly due to the current affairs we could only grant one a visa to stay outside of Ritou, so I hope you can brave the challenge and catch up to us in no time Aether!" He explained to them, suprising them that they had to separate.

Aether: "Hold on! Wait a minute. Who said we also wanted to meet her? How do I know this isn't some plot to separate us?!" He whisper-yelled at the other blonde, Y/n however tried to defuse the situation immediatly.

Y/n: "Actually I'd love to meet her, I heard she's a nice lady that many wish to meet. Also Wouldn't it be better if we can get me out of here as fast as possible? From what Thoma said Ritou is the Island with the tightest secruity, only second to the Tenshukaku's secruity. The faster I can get away the better our chances are to actually explore Inazuma as a pair! I say we take this shot in the dark!" He told his blonde companion with a serious look on his face, a look that he rarely expressed so Aether knew Y/n thought it through.

Aether: "Fine I'll accept the challenge given by the Shirasagi Himegim! But you better be sure that I'll annihilate your ass if I find even a strand of his hair missing got it?!" He told Thoma with a glare before giving Y/n a tight hug and a 'see ya later' before going off to explore Ritou for a way out.

After a slight reinsurance from Y/n they also started their journey, apparently Y/n was a special master in a secret tradition that the Shirasagi Himegim had ordered to Inazuma to repair some ancient traditional items and so the guard didn't ask twice. Normaly they'd doubt whether such a letter is real or not, however all it took was Thoma as a guard to ensure them it was actually her order. With the last guards out of the way the two were able to safely travel to the Kamisato Estate in no time. Onc they reached their destination Thoma led Y/n into a small hallway to wait while he alerts the Shirasagi Himegim of his presence. Once Y/n received Thoma's words to enter he entered through a big door, now standing infront of a rather big, dark blue screen that covered half of the room. One can imagine his suprise when he heard a young, feminin voice from the other side.

???: "I have received word of your arrival Kantorī kuriētā. It is an honour to meet you in person, so while it's just the three of us you may refer to me simply as Ayaka. My full name is Kamisato Ayaka and I herby welcome you to Inazuma."



Hey there it's been a hot minute hasn't it?

I just finished Ei's new quest and WOW I won't say more as to not spoiler any content.

Anyways I hope you liked the new Chapter!

Ps. Someone asked about my pronouns so I thought I'd add them down here.

 (He/Him/They) is all ok for me :3

I also added them to my profile description!

Have a nice day!


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