Last Words

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I'm both happy and sad to announce that this book is finished! I've been writing this since December 2021 and I am so glad I did! Writing this book was at some parts stressful, but I still enjoyed it till the end. At first I was deathly afraid of publishing even one chapter since my spelling was really lacking and I had to look up many words, some examples being immediatly which can be found throughout my story and each time it's spelled differently.

Either way I'm proud to say I wrote this. Not only has my English improved, but I also got to read comments of people from everywhere! Ranging from small 'Huh?' to actual questions that I may have forgotten to answer through the story! It has been fun and I hope my future stories will be loved as well. Tho the current second one is more romance focused I'll definitly bring another twister like this one! So you better prepare yourself.

To be honest I only wrote this story out of spite, because there are so few Genshin x male reader stories that actually have content! For some reason there are just so many lackluster stories and it feels like I'm reading the same stuff over and over again, because nobody updates past the Mondstadt arc or if they do they suddenly abandon the book somewhere in Liyue. Let's not talk about the heavily sexualized ones ok? Great! (This is by no means ment as offensive, just my personal opinion and experience.)

You might not know, but I usually updated the book around 22-23(pm) where I live since my sleeping schedule is garbage. Now I would go to sleep right after publishing it and watch the reactions while some teacher is trying to teach me math or something, but I always get a smile on my face when I see that people comment, it makes me feel happy and proud of myself, knowing some see this as a story worth to interact with.

Of course I couldn't possibly forget about you, my dear lovely readers! I love reading these creative names, or how you named your reading lists, always fun to read those names..Anyways I hope you loved reading this story as much as I did writing it!

Now I already said these things throughout the many author notes, but I really do mean it.

Those who actually read this fully, allow me to talk about future stories:

First off, I'll edit the already released chapters of Who Is Staring Back At Me since I somehow messed up the planed timeline of events. I'm not sure how long I wanna make that story, but I doubt it will be as long as this one.

Once that is finished I've been planing to write a Fate/zero or Fate/stay night Story, depending on possible preferences. Of course I'll exlain a brief concept of the franchise. 7 Servants (Heroes of the past/present/future) are summoned by 7 different Master (can be anyone with even the tiniest mana access). Once every servant is summoned a so  called 'Holy Grail War' starts and the last master standing will have their wish fullfilled. A prime example of a servant would be King Arthur or the Wizard Merlin. The only thing that remains open is if the reader should be a servant or a master, comment if ya wanna be either of those?

After that will probably be another story with Genshin Impact, maybe even parallel to it, who knows, certainly not me.

To end this last Chapter I have to say that I'll be away from home for all of April, even a week of May as well! So during that time I'll be really busy and will rarely have the chance to update, but I'll try :) Of course this may not be true and I might just have to much free time.

I hope you're having a great day and hope you'll have a nice week!


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