Old and New Friends

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Author got distracted by the Wind Trace game, sorry! Also yes I know Archons don't give out visions, however the people of Teyvat don't. So please don't be mad about what is said in here. ________________________________________________________________________________


'Wha- Whats happening? The LOrd Of Geo dead?! But how' I thought when it finally settled in, the Archon of Liyue... just died. Wait a second, if they're questioning the guests wouldn't us being travellers be suspicious?

Y/N: "Hey Aether....Aether?" I called before turning around, only to see his famous, golden hair vanishing around a corner.

Y/N: " Why did he leave me here?" I asked myself out loud, feeling saddned that he left me behind to get away.

POV: 3rd Person

What Y/N however failed to notice was that a tall, white haired lady was standing behind him and listening to his ramble about someone named Aether leaving you in his dust trail.

Ningguang: "Who left?" such a short sentence was more than enough for the smaller H/C male to flich and turn around from shock while screaming a bit.

Y/N: " Huh?! When did you get behind me? And why would you scare me?! I'm already misereable enough now that I realized my friend left early! How am I supposed to relax when my comfort person is gone and the Archon that gifted me this Vision just died before my eyes!" The smaller boy ranted, apparently lecturing the honored Tinquan of Liyue for sneaking up on him while also trying to not have a breakdown.

Needless to say Ningguang was left speechless, she had at first snuck up on him since he was just staring at the ground muttering and in general just behaving suspicious. Now she felt bad for stressing a fellow Geo vision holder out, after they just saw their Elements Archon fall.

Ningguang: "Excuse my rudeness, I am Ningguang, the Tianquan of Liyue Harbour. I merely had to ensure you were not the individual responsible for this chaos. Your muttering didn't help your case, but from what I overheard you were just panicking correct? "

Realizing that Ningguang did not know about Aethers escape he decided to roll with her assumption.

Y/N: "Yeah, it was just my nerves getting the best of me and my friends absence did't help me at all. he apparently forgot that we were supposed to meet here. Og but please excuse my rant just now. I am Y/N, a traveller from Mondstadt and a fellow Geo user." He introduced himself, collecting his thoughts and calming down.

Ningguang: " What a pleasure, a fellow geo user. It has been awhile since I've seen another one, except of that consultant of course." she said giving you a slight smile.

Y/n: "I see...well if you need my assistance or something along these lines you'll find me somewhere near the docks, If I remembere correct I might get to meet an old friend there. So if you'd excuse me." He told the Ningguang while slowly backing off and leaving, Ningguang however made a final comment.

Ningguang: "I see, well if there is something you need please ask for a secretary by the name of Ganyu, she'll know to guide you up to the Jade Chamber. " She said slowly, knowing the travelling archer heard her remark.

With a satisfied smile she left the scene, leaving the interrogations to the guards.


smol time skip, POV: Paimon

Man there sure are alot of mountains in Liyue, makes Paimon wanna eat a whole mountain of Sticky-Honey Roast!

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