A Peacefull Night Out

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POV: 3rd Person

The time our small, cloaked archer reached Mondstadt the sky already darkened,leaving only small light to illuminate the streets.

Realizing just how tired he was Y/N decided to find the Angel's Share, a tavern Kaeya wouldn't stop talking about while they were finishing the domain. After a small search or more like finding the loudest building in town he finally stood infront of the tavern.


Deciding to enter, I walk past a guy dressed in mostly exclusive brown, Patton is what Kaeya called him. Upon entering the smell of alcohol and grae juice hit my nose, man it sure was loud in here. Walking up to the bar I decided to order whatever they still had in stock.

Charles(the bartender): "Here is todays menu, what can I get you?" The bartender asked in a polite fashion.

Y/N: "Mmhh.. I think an Apple Cider is what I need right now, tho I might try that Dandelion wine later." I said after remembering the specialty of Mondstadt.

Charles: "Of course, please have a seat wherever you like and I will bring that Cider to you in a moment." The Bartender stated already getting the ingredients out.

Looking around I decided to sit at the table left of the bar. There were two reasons for that decision, one being that the table is close to the toilet, the other being that it was the only table that could not be seen from the ones sitting an the tables upstairs, meaning that creepy Nun could no longer stalk me ,not that she did a good job to beginn with anyway. I noticed her following me the moment I entered Mondstadt.

Suprisingly It was quite peacefull here despite nearly everyone being drunk. So enjoing that nice Apple Cider wasn't hard, tho the red head that just entered the tavern looked suspicously alike to the person I thought I saw sneaking around in the domain.

Y/N: "It seems my eyes didn't decive me like I thought, this might get even more amusing now."I whispered with a small smile. Before I could whispere or even think anything else the tavern suddenly erupted in loud booing making me jump from the sudden noice.

NPC: "You better leave again, we don't need our mood ruined by you Lawrence!" I heard a man say from somewhere in the back,tho who was that Lawrence person? Surely he didn't just call the woman that entered Lawrence ...right?

Before more harsh remarks could be thrown at her the red head appeared again,this time shouting louder than anyone at the tavern, how that was possible was beyond my understanding.

Red Head: "If I hear one more Insult in my tavern the resposible person will have to cover every drink anyone here had today, got it!?" Mhh so he was the owner of this tavern?

Piecing everything together would mean that the red head is no other than the Master Diluc Kaeya told me about. Now another benefit of this table would be the fact that I can hear everything they are saying.

POV: Lawrence Girl

Geez they are as loud as ever, can't they let me get a drink in peace, is that too much to ask for?

Lawrence Girl: "Thank you Diluc, I came here for a drink and not to be shouted at so you have my gratitude." I told him kindly, getting a simple nod as reply before i started looking around.

It seems all tables are taken,so that means coming here was a waste of time...great.

Lawrence Girl:"Tho it seems my appearence here tonight will be short lived as all tables are taken...and you know how these people react to me, so sharing their table with me is impossible for them."I told him getting ready to leave.

Diluc:"I understand, have a safe trip home" he said turing around,I was about to leave as well when I heard someone speak up,making both of us stop and listen.

???: "If you're here to drink, be my guest! This lonely archer could really use some company while drinking." I heard a peppy young voice say.

Turning around I saw a rather short H/c (Hair colour) haired male with E/c (eye colour) eyes and a friendly smile, the type I rarely got to see nowadays. Seeing my suprise he giggled a bit, cutely might I add, and continued talking.

???: "I just got here so a buddy to drink and chat with would be nice, regardless of what yor name is!" He almost shouted excitedly, like a child, but I guess a talk and drink couldn't hurt now I decided while walking up to him, seeing Diluc smile in the corner of my eye.

Eula: "My name is Eula Lawrence, captain of the Reconnaissance Company of the Knight of Favonius." I introduced myself to the young man, now standing before him.

???: "Ah where are my manners, my name is Y/N a travelling archer and please just sit down ok?" the young man now known as Y/N introduced himself, tho what about his last name? I asked myself while complying with his wish and sitting down opposite of him. Why wonder, I can just ask no? I am still waiting to order so why not engage in an actual conversation?

Eula: "Just Y/n? Am I not worthy enough to know your last name?" Dang it, now that really came out wrong and quite mean. Is... is he laughing at me?!

Eula: " Wha..Whats so funny?!" I asked ,clearly embaressed by him laughing at me.

Y/N: "Sorry, it's just by your logic even I am not worthy enough to know my own last name!" he got out before laughing again, while I just felt bad.

I mean I literally just asked a person without a last name, quite rudely, what their last name was!

Y/N: " Don't even worry, there is no reason to apologize I simply suffer from amnesia, tho I will let you know if I remember it at some point..ok?" Huh? Strange, the regular citizen would have cursed me out by now, yet here he is catching his breath from laughing to hard.

Y/N: Don't tell Kaeya,but even though we just met I already like you more then that  dumb flirt of a cavalry captain!"

It seems I may have found a second friend today, I wonder if all my future friends may be archers or just the current two.



Sorry for the delayed upload, I was just a bit tired.

Saturday I won't have enough time to update ( I will write a chapter,but won't have time for corrections). Meaning Sunday there will be two Chapters :D

 Are you guys excited for the reruns? Cuz I am,last time I lost the 50/50, but this time I have a guaranteed Eula >:D

Tho I am missing the Primos to get to pity...so lets hope!

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