On Our Way To Inazuma

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I PASSED :D !!!  Also I got a catchy tune stuck in my head.


POV: 3rd Person

The morning was... loud and unstructured to say the least. Sometime around morning Aether decided to literally throw his travel companion out of his bed to start their day. Of course he expected Y/n to cook for the three while he was stuffing everything into his personal pocket dimension. Meanwhile Y/n was busy cooking their breakfeast eggs while also brushing Paimons hair seeing as she took her favorite spot in the world... the Toddler seat on his arm. Only once did Y/n grap an item Aether wasn't supposed to see or more like a handfull of neatly folded Papers and an amulett given to them by Venti. After a while of watching Aether hastily pack everything up the two decided to release him and call for breakfast.

Paimon: "Aether! Get your butt over here or Paimon will eat your portion as well, Y/n allowed it!" She shouted, adding the last part to make the blonde hurry.

And it worked like a charm, just as Paimon expected. a now out of breath Aether was sitting beside her while waiting for Y/n to serve their food. Not a few seconds later did the later serve a gigantic bowl of pudding for Paimon. Now breakfast was something Aether loved the most so when Y/n served him the food he was... irritated, but mostly sad that he'd have to eat a whole plate of burned egg with a side of burnt toast, while also having to endure the o so sweet and innocent look of Y/n that watched his every move. Sitting quietly infront of the plate was now Aethers favorite hobby since he did not have the courage to eat that, but neither did he have the courage to look his friend in the eyes and demand for a different plate, not with that terrifying expression on their face.

Y/N: "You see...I hate being woken up, much less to be thrown out of bed so you better eat that or I'll make sure that your diet for the rest of your life consists of nothing but burned food." He told the now shaking Aether who could only nod and start forcing the food down his throat.

Paimon: "Can Paimon have a second round? Y/n's special pudding is the best! Paimon swears she feels extra strong today!" She of course was in her own sweet little world and did not realize what had happened.

Y/n: "Of course we have quite a lot of pudding! I made sure to make a lot last night, that way it could cool down over night. I even made different flavours!" He rambled on telling Paimon all the new flavours he either made the night before or asking for new suggestions from her, she was after all his number 1 tester and so while Paimon slowly ate her second serving she told him of her new ideas to try out. Meanwhile Aether sat in the background with a few crocodile tears streaming down his face eating the last bits of his burnt toast.

As the sun slowly rose most of Liyue would start waking up, however some people were already up and rushing toward their ship to get to Inazuma. It had been a quiet mornin for someone, that was sadly ruined by his Captain shouting orders left and right while he sat upon a mast on the side of the ship. What the white haired man didn' know was that an old acquaintance was about to board this ship. So one can imagine the shock when Kaedehara Kazuha turned his body toward the now boarding Aether and Paimon being accompanied by a person that had a striking resemblance to the Shogun. Not even the wind whispered about three travelers, only about two.

Before he could really climb down for a talk his Captain, Beidou the head of the Crux fleet had already intervened and started taliking with the three.

Beidou: " You made it just in time comrade! I also see you've brought the second person you told me about. To make it quick, call me Beidou! I'm the Captain fo the Alcor and by extend the whole Crux fleet!" She shouted loudly, obviously drunk already.

Y/N: "Ah.. My name is Y/n and I'm traveling with Aether! I hope i won't be a bother!" He told her, a bit nervously as beidou just started laughing loudly again.

Beidou: "listen kid, we'll be out for one and a halve day, so I'm sure we'll manage, but if you find a way you're more than welcome to help!"

Y/n: "Well if you need I could stay under deck as a cook. I'll have you know that even the great Yuheng of Liyue can't decide if mine or Xiangling's Golden Shrimp balls are better, also because I get seasick quite easily, so anything that involves not locking out towards the ocean is a help." He told her proudly, said confidince vanishing as he confessed about his seasickness.

Beidou: "Great! that meanns the others can't excuse themselves from labour to cook since we'll have our own little star chef onboard! Let's hope your cooking can convince, I'll let Kazuha show you around here then." She tolde them while leaving to shout more orders around, meanwhile Y/n was racking his brain where he heard that name before.

Kazuha: "Greetings, we meet again travelers." A kind voice said, scaring everyone as noone noticed him before.

Y/N: "Huh? I'm sorry but did I know you? If our last meeting was more than 4 months ago I won't be able to remembere your name sorry!" The young man quickly said, tho' Kazuha was able to understand him just fine.

Kazuha: "I see...We only met once, back in Inazuma. Quite Ironic isn't it? Two men meet once in a nation they wish to leave and their paths cross again as they reentere that nation." He asked them while staring out towards the ocean.

 After a short pause the four decided to roam on the ship to learn it's layout better. Once that was archieved Kazuha left them again as the ship started to set sail and so the three ran towards the back of the ship, watching Liyue harbour for a last time. Waving as they noticed Zhongli and the three adepti Ganyu, Xiao and Madame Ping standing at the docks, watching the ship leave, however they manadged to hear one last message.

Madmae Ping: "Remembere to stay hydrated and don't forget to enjoy the journey while your on it my Dearies!"



Suprise i guess? Author went all the way to update the last chapter so you'd know that the next chaper would be late, but NO the brain said 'Boom here take this motivation!'

So yeah :D

I wish you luck on the New Banners! Author's primogems still need to recover from trying for Shenhe, alas Author only spent all his f2p savings without a reward :(

Have a nice upcoming Week?!

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