Overlord of the Vortex

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Suprise, next Chapter was already finished, but I need some suspence and Drama so yeah...oh andAuthor found a great Wallpaper for this chapter!


POV: 3rd Person

Silence was all Y/N heard, the only remarkable sound to hear being a twitching ginger on the ground. Checking and deciding the ginger would not be able to stand up anytime soon he decided to walk up to a kneeling Aether that was breathing real heavy. However the silence coming from him was weird to Y/n after all he just had the run of his life and sacrificied a part of his body to save Aether.

Y/N: " Hey Paimon! You can come back now I took care of the gingerbread man over there. " He shouted up to the still hiding companion of theirs.

Not even a second later he could see her descending fast towards them with what seemed to be tears in her eyes.

Paimon: " Y/N! Aether! Paimon is happy you're both ok! you are right?! " she screamed while flying face first into Y/N's chest for a hug, the later had to hold her like a little toddler to keep her from falling off.

Y/N: " Now now there is no need to cry Paimon. I'm perfectly fine and Aether just needs to catch his breath, that blood isn't his from what I can see. "  He told her in a soft voice as if she was an actual child that he was comforting.

Being occupied he noticed neither Aether standing up nor did he notice Childe stop twitching like a fish on land. Only after the heavy smack on his head did he notice Aether's annoyed expression staring at him.

Y/N: "Ow! Why is everyone smacking me today!? and why is it always the same spot too?" the young man complained while looking at Aether for answers.

Aether: " What the actual fuck Y/N! Don't just pretend like we didn't have to watch you get impaled, I mean how are you even alive right now?! " He screamed with his anger in full display for the (H/C) man, but even more evident was a sad undertone one that did not make sense to his companion.

POV: Childe/Tartaglia

'i was expecting some kind of restrainment or to be actually dead...not to watch some kind of family drama between the traveler and this new guy.' And to be honest this newone looked like a mother by the way he was rocking the little one back and forth like a toddler. it was cute to watch, but also heartbreaking since I knew what will happen next....Archons I'm such a sadistic asshole and I love it.

Deciding to stand up and take out all the sigils I brought along I was relieved to see them all untouched and in one piece. So i guess it's time for some kind of dramatic monologue cuppled with the summoning of an ancient god?

Childe: " Sorry to interrupt, but let's finish our buisness here yeah? " I asked them only to recieve a groan from all of them and a 'You're still alive? Guess you really are a punching bag.' from the newbie.

Childe: " As much as I love the thrill of fighting both of you I have reached my limit for today. Now since the gnosis wasn't inside the Exuvia there is only one way to get it. Now don't get me wrong I prefer to do things my way, however this time I believe Signoras idea was better, no matter how hard it is to admit. " I told them while finally activating the sigils to summon Osial, the Overlord of the Vortex and god the power of these sigils is great tho' it appears I should take my leave, these two seem to be ready to rip my head of my shoulder. To be honest Mr. Newbie looks like he'll rip my spine out as well while he's at it. Yep definitly time to go!

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