The Sly Fox and The Vision

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POV: Y/n

???: "I have received word of your arrival Kantorī kuriētā. It is an honour to meet you in person, so while it's just the three of us you may refer to me simply as Ayaka. My full name is Kamisato Ayaka and I herby welcome you to Inazuma." The second those words were said i once more felt a wave of memories and with it a prophecy I myself forsaw in the past.

Y/n: "How dare you say that name, who has given you authority to use it so casually huh? Only the Shogun and Guuji Yae herself can call me that understood?!" I don't know why I was so angry, but either way she'll better address me by my current name.

It was obvious that neither Ayaka or Thoma expected my reaction judging by the silence. I hope I didn't scare her with that outburst, I just wanna hang out with Aether.

Ayaka: "I see...I shall address you as Y/n then. I will cut straight to the point! I wish to recruit you for my side, to oppose the Vision Hunt Decree. Those who lost their Vision appear to lose their own personality, only a shallow husk remains. A body without a soul would be a good describtion." I see so she thinks I or even Aether would be able to beat the Raiden Shogun? Clearly she doesn't know who we are or the extend of her Archons power, what a pity."

Y/n: "I...I refuse." Had she been anyone else I already knew I would've agreed, but this is too risky to decide on my own. What if she's Fatui? I can't trust her yet.

Ayaka: "I beg you to reconsider! The people of Inazuma are suffering because of this decree! Surely you can understand how I feel right?! Watching them lose themselves is painful to watch! I beg of you please help us!" She really doesn't understand my reasoning, what a shame but I can't risk showing myself yet, she cannot know of my presence yet!

Y/n: "That is my exact point. I don't understand your pain or their pain or really any of your emotions. I am no human, I am a being created by the shogun herself to act as an emergency vessel nothing more nothing less. If you took this vision of mine there would be no change in my being. For one sole reason...I have no soul of my own, I may have had ambitions, but "ambitions are nothing that lasts for eternity". That's what she told Inazuma when she initiated the Vision Hunt Decree. So I hope you understand me. I have no pity to spare and I don't plan to interfere yet. I don't know when the emergency will happen, but I've had visions of me nolonger being me so I wish to see the world before 'I' vansih forever." Fear was evident as I told them all that.

I it because they fear me now? Or do they simply fear I might report to the Shogun?


POV: 3rd Person

Crashing through the door came a Shrine Maiden who was visibly panting.

S.Maiden: "Pardon my interruption, but Lady Guuji has requested the presence of the new Expert of Traditional items! His immediate presence to be exact! She sent me all the way down here to escort him to the Shrine!" She told them, seemingly ready to collapse any second.

Ayaka: "O-Of course, we just finished our meeting so you may leave now." She answered as calm as she could, hiding behind a dark blue fan. To Thoma it the hurt in her voice was clear as day, however he had no right to intervene this conversation.

Y/n: "Very well, please lead the way. Oh and Kamisato...this stays between us for now." He told her, leaving with the still panting shrine maiden.


Aether: "What do you mean he just left?! Thoma you had one job! I swear on every Archon and beyond when I find you, and I will find you, you'll wish I was just the Shogun of Inazuma!"

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