Dripping Tears

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For those who didn't see the A/N, I will be playing along with this story to make it easier to recreate the dialogue in this story. That paired with my soon coming exams results in an unpredictable upload schedule, but i will try my best to keep them somewhat consistend!


POV: 3rd Person

Returning to the Taverne the redheaded owner, who was accompenied by Aether and Paimon, was met with a rowdy bard that seemed to be chained to a support pillar of the taverne, Jean who seemed to be embarrassed that they were caught in the act and a silently humming bartender who was currently washing some glasses with a satisfied smile. Jean was the first to notice their return.

Jean: " There you are! It seems I was just a bit to early, now that you are here would you mind explaining me why you asked for my help as Jean and not as the Acting Grand Master?" She started asking Diluc, quickly getting over her prior embarrassment. not having noticed the pair behind Diluc.

Aether: " Jean?! What are you doing here?" He nervously shouted, hoping this wasn't a trick of Diluc to get them all arrested. But before the Dandelion Knight could reply Diluc already answered.

Diluc: " First of all I contacted more then one person, second of all she came in private as just Jean, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean even you as a honorary Knight wouldn't get to meet." He told Aether with a stoic expression. Tho Aether could see Jean giving him an apolegetic smile from behind Diluc.

Jean: " So you were the blond thief I was informed of? Tho I already know the Fatui are the real thieves, but that aside the lyre is able to calm Stormterror correct?" She asked or more like stated.

Realizing Venti wanted to answer, Y/N, with a heavy sigh, was forced to remove his perfectly created geo chains, just so the bard could answer. Suprised the bard had already sobered up he was no longer sad about his destroyed creation, after all it was simply created to keep the drunk bard in check.

Venti: "Thats right! And your Honorary Knight already took it upon himself to save it and by extend Monstadt, thats what the new star of the knights declared!" Venti proclaimed proudly, as if he was responsible for Aethers decicion.

Paimon: "I don't know, it still feals like we are breaking some laws." She wondere out loud, asking for reassurance.

Diluc: "I know it may be hard to believe his tales, so why don't you sing that song again bard? It will be much more convin.." "I believe you!" was all they heard as Jean boldy interrupted Diluc, turning towards the bard with a small smile. Meanwhile Diluc stood there suprised it took so little efford to convince the usually stubborn Jean.

Jean: "I could not think of any reason on why Stormterror would attack Monstadt, he is a part of the Four Winds so if he did because of a wound that poisened him in a battle years ago, combined with the corruptuion of an Abyss Mage I can't fault him. However as the Acting Grand Master I cannot state such thing in Public, with the diplomatic pressure from the Fatui they would surely run with the Lyre should we declare the finding of a peaceful solution. They are probably well aware that only the Lyre can achive such a feat. Thats why I can only assist as Jean." She explained, making everyone aware that there will be no assistance of the Ordo Favonius.

Diluc: "Hmpf, thats why I can't stand the Knights, but what realy suprises me is your willingness to believe an outlander so easily." He grumbled.

During the talk Y/N had slowly snuck behind Aether, only getting Paimons attantion via a Chicken-Mushroom Scewer. Tho everyone looked at Jean and Diluc odd when they whispered amongst themselves and suddenly became really awkward with one another, creating a short silence. Deciding to activate his trap, the young archer spoke up.

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