What If...The Plan Failed?

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POV: Venti

???: "Dear Seven of Teyvat, Morax also known as Rex Lapis, the Archon of Geo has fallen...according to the divine rule a successor has already been picked. The newly appointed Rex Gemmis will take that mantle from now on. In accord to the rule the Seven will be notified once the Archon has learnt the ropes." A mysterious voice announce within Y/n's head.

The message I never wanted to hear has just been delivered, ironic isn't it? The Archon that left his people, never once showing himself again, is the only orignal one left. Why does it hurt so much? We were more of two coworkers than two friends, so why does my heart hurt just like it did back then!?

Knowing the knights of Favonius would find and punish me if they heard me sobbing up here on the Statue of..well me, I decided to leave, ending up at Starsnatch Cliff. I could barely hear a swirrling noise over my sobs, but the noticeable presence of an anemo vision confirmed my doubts, someone was stalking me or at least watching me...now I know how Y/n felt every time he noticed me watching over him.

Xiao: "Barbatos...Rex Lapis and Rex Gemmis have requested an audience with you. I was sent to retrieve you at once." Hold on...Morax is alive?

Venti: "Of course...lead the way!" I told him, my arms trembling from anger. i swear if I get my hands on him he better have some good excuses ready!

Stepping closer to Xiao he put his hand on my shoulder and we teleported. Once we arrived I noticed the familiar surrounding.

Venti: "This place...I haven't been here since my argument with the Tsaritsa back then...seems it hasn't changed one bit, how nice." I said, nostalgia hitting me hart.

POV: 3rd Person

The bard was so distracted by his surrounding he hadn't even noticed his escort leaving again, his trip down memory lane was interrupted by a voice coming from the stairs to his right.

Zhongli: "Of course, I tried my best to keep it together, hoping you might return at some point." The voice said, turning around Venti's gaze met that of Morax, who was accompanied by a person clad in white robes, a hood covering their face.

Venti: "Ah Morax and I assume you are Rex Gemmis correct?" He asked, earning a nod from Zhongli and silence from Rex Gemmis, earning a sigh from the older male.

Zhongli: "You assume correct, tho' I go by Zhongli nowadays since I have relinquished my title as the geo archon and handed it to Rex Gemmis." He replied, giving his deciple a side glance.

Venti: "Great to know old man! However it seems our friend isn't really in a talking mood is he?" The bard sighed again, watching as the newbie's shoulders slumb a bit.

Rex Gemmis: "Oi, how's this fair? Why can the tone-deaf bard that wears some attrociously green clothing call you old man, but I'm not allowed to? This is just blatant favoritism now." He said, sitting down on the ground and curling into a ball, pretending to be sad.

Venti: "Hey who are ya calling Tone-deaf! Only Aether and Paimon may call me that...well Y/n can do that too but eh he usually doesn't. Now may I ask why you suddenly called for a meeting? Usually the new Archon reveals themselfs to the other six after they got hold of their powers." He questioned, causing Rex Gemmis to jump back on his legs, radiating a happier aura than before.

Rex Gemmis: "Well..You are correct in that aspect, but I know you already so I thought 'hey why not say hi and tell you your old friend morax isn't dead, he just retired' however turns out you don't even recognize me anymore." The new Archon ranted, his happy aura extinguishing again.

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