Atrociously Green

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POV: 3rd Person

The two vision bearer can be seen excitedly chatting, having completly forgotten their glases of wine and ignoring the weird stares of the surrounding crowd.

Eula: "He really flirted with you for the whole time in that domain? Now that is our cavalry captain, he never realizes when one is simply too good for him." She said, grinning and taunting the currently absent captain.

After a short silence the two bursted out laughing again, clearly having had enough Dandelion Wine in the eyes of the red headed owner as he was currently on his way to deliver the bill himself.

Y/N: "Yeah he did and in the last match he even winked at me !" He wanted to say more but was interrupted by Diluc as he placed the bill down.

Diluc: "It seems you're haveing fun, sadly I will close soon so you might wanna leave before the other patrons leave." He stated with a very small unnoticable smile, secretly happy that Eula finally found another friend. He had to admit while he tolerated her by no means were they friends, more like acquaintances.

Eula: " I see, here that should be more than enough to cover our bill right?" She asked pulling out a small bag of mora from her back pouch."

Y/N: " Wait, I invited you no? Shouldn't I be paying here?!" The young man asked confused.

Eula: " No need, you were the first in a while to have some human decency towards me so see it as a thank you. Besides I heard you just arrived in Mondstadt meaning you might be low on mora from your journey no?" She explained with a small knowing smirk towards the end making him realize she was right.

He was indeed very low on Mora, making him panic internally. It was by far not enough for any hotel and by the archons he couldn't sleep another day on the ground, his back was killing him already by just thinking about it.

Eula: "I will take my leave now, let us meet here after we finally beat Stormterror. I think that is our current priority now , so next time I will leave the bill to you, but no worries I never drink much." were her last words before she left the tavern.

Our protagonist was about to leave as well when a hand firmly gripped his shoulder spinning him around, only to be face-to-face or more like face-to-chest with Master Diluc, who gave him a firm glance.

Diluc: " Where do you think you are going?"He aked raising a brow, that led to the smaller male beginning to panic.

'Did I do something wrong? Were we too loud? He isn't gonna grill me with that vision of his is he?' the questions all flooding in at the same time resulted in a sheepish smile, but before he could get an answer Diluc continued where he left off.

Diluc : "With those few Mora left you wouldn't even get a blanked on the marked and I doubt you want to sleep on a tree, so how about a small agreement?" With these few words he got the young archer's attention in under a second.

Y/N: " Agreement of what kind?" The male asked, his mind however already went into the gutter, making him blush only a little. Diluc however simply continued his small speech as if there never was any interference.

Diluc: "My Bartender will be out of commission for a while starting tomorrow, so while he visits his family I will take his place. That however leaves me alone and I could use an extra server or just a simple cleaning help. Do either of these duties for me and I will lend you the spare room in the attic of the tavern." The request was obviously a good deal for the male low on mora, so without a doubt he agreed, earning a small smile from Diluc.

Diluc: "Very well, your shift will start tomorrow at 5 in the evening till the current time. Before that time there are never really customers that require a lot of attention. Now follow me, I will lead you to your temporary room." He said already standing at the stairs.

After following the redhead up the stairs they came across a locked door, upon opening it with his keys a second, smaller staircase was revealed. At the top was yet another locked door.Behind that one however was a rathe small room with a bed, wardrope a small desk and in the right corner was a door to a bathroom.

Y/N: " Wow I really stay here?" he asked since he really expected a simple mattress and maybe a toilet, but nothing more. In comparison this was like a small hotel room.

Diluc: "Of course it was part of our deal right? I will hand you the uniform tomorrow at noon,please make sure to be ready at 4, so I have an hour to give you a quick overview of everything you may need to know, including the rather annoying customers. So until 4 pm tomorrow you can do whatever, just if you stay here till you shift starts please be quiet ok?I think that would be all, well for now, so have a good night." The second he finished his small monolog he had already left, leaving a gratefull Y/N behind.

Being alone the archer decided to open the medium sized window to the doors left. with just a simple look outside he was mesmerized. The small street lanterns illuminating the dark Mondstadt and the cloudless night in combination were nothing short of a breathtaking sight to behold. He may have been distracted by the stars, but he still noticed the second presence sitting on the roof above the window.

Y/N: "You get a free pass this once bard, if you wish to tell me something make it quick, I'd like to enjoy this view alone and preferebly without having to see your atrociously green clothes." He said not taking his eyes of the illuminated nightsky.

?Bard?: "The Stars are beautiful right? Each of them belongs to a constellation." The stranger stated earning a confused noise from our archer.

?Bard?: "You may think I simply stalk you, while that is true to some extend, there is still a reason for it. As astrologists say, every constellation represents the owners Fate, but for a handfull that is not the case. Being one of those exceptions I always wondered, does that mean I can rewrite the stars? If so I would change an old friends fate as soon as possible...but after all this time it seems impossible."Tho it sounded like he was triyng to hint at something as if he wasn't allowed to say it just yet, he mostly sounded melancholic.

Deciding to spare the last few words for tonight, the stargazing vision bearer opened his mouth.

Y/N: "You say it's impossible? Nothing is impossible. Fate can be cruel, but still be changed. You don't have to rewrite the stars for that, simply act the best way you can. While Changing the past could be possible one more then likely would cause more harm than good. So instead create a path that leads to your own future, one you alone decided to create. And who knows..maybe that pain of the past can be more bearable."

After his small speach the winds blew through all of Mondstadt, carrying a relaxing tune, one compareable to a lullaby. It nearly drowned out the small sound of greatfullness the bard expressed before vanashing completly.

Realizing he was again alone, the lone archer finaly closed the window, laying down for the night.




For some reason I just could not stop writing and Baam!

I will correct mistakes I find tomorrow,before the next upload :D

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