A Ginger's Narwhal

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Just a reminder (H/C)= Hair color of choice, (E/C)= Eye color of choice


3rd Person

After what felt like an eternity Y/N could finally feel the ground beneath his feet once more, sadly however it happened when the Yaksha decided to drop him on the ground without a warning.

Xiao: "Stand up, both my time and patience are limited. I took you with me up here for a reason." The adaptus said, leaving a short silence behind.

The (H/c) male on the ground however was still no wiser why he was just abducted by an Adaptus and apparently his expression showed just that making the Yaksha sigh in annoyance.

Xiao: "This is Mount Tianheng and to your right you can see the Golden House, but I didn't drag you here for that. Our place of interest is over there." He told Y/N while pointing towards the sea.

Y/N: "Huh? Whats so interesting about that fancy looking ship?" The archer asked not seeing the bigger picture which resulted in a chop on his head by Xiao whos anger could not be more clear.

Xiao: "Not that ship you imbecile, I'm talking about the light at the horizon." He pointed out, turning the younger ones head toward said light.

When the young archer finally saw the light he gasped, the bluish-purple light gave him a sense of comfort and another emotion he could not understand, after all the Stormterror incident allowed him to keep only a small part of the once granted Human Emotions. Thus he could only feel destinct ones like sadness or annoyance, but what he missed were feelings like anger or happiness, those two seemed to be either a rare occurance nowadays or locked away with the rest. Of course Aether too had noticed said limitation and never forced his new travel buddy to smile or anything, simply to be present. It was something Y/N took great comfort in, neither of his two companions seemed to care about his lacking reactions or comments and it didn't stop them from including him in every possible conversation, even if that could only be achieved in more forcefull ways.

His thought process was however interrupted by a flashback.



It appears you are not using enough yet.........

That body of yours it has been carved for one purpose and one purpose only.........

Focus !

Feel it..............................That tingling...........embrace it, ......... use it



POV: 3rd Person

To the adaptus standing on the mountain with this supposedly mortal brought him nothing but suprises. He had followed Madam Ping's request and showed this boy the light of the Narukami shrine of Inazuma, a bright light that could be seen all the way from Liyue.

What he didn't expect was for his old friend to fall into some sort of trance while looking at it, Xiao knew that Y/N originated from Inazuma and that there was more to him than just being a mortal, but he did not care about that. He'd be a hypocrite if he did, after all he also seemed like a human when that could not be further from the truth.

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