Eternal Lightning

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Small Heads up! From here on out I will adress him as 'Raiden Y/n' or just 'Shogun' since the newest quest called the puppet 'Raiden Shogun' and the real one was named 'Raiden Ei'. Also I found some cool pictures to use :D Also I will still use he/him pronouns to refer to him for now.


Those glowing pink eyes were all Aether had to see to know it.

Aether: "What did you.... Where is my love..." He asked trembling as realization hit him, those pink eyes, while glowing, still held dullness in a way he only ever saw in Childe's eyes. Those were the eyes of someone who faught in multiple wars or more and not the eyes of his beloved companion.

Raiden Y/n: "My congratulations, you've won a battle I hoped you would lose but that's beside the point. Aether correct? I believe it is clear that your 'love' as you call him is no longer here, but alas I had to promise him something to be able obliterate his consciouns completly." He told Aether in a cold voice, his annoyance towards the bodies orginal owner clearly evident.

Raiden Y/n: "So be happy I can't kill you this instance, instead I'll allow you to leave the Tenshukaku unharmed, however you should hurry since my troups are already gathering. Your chance to get away dwindels every second you decide to waste by staring at me." He told him, walking back to his thrown.

Deciding now to waste his breath on the Archon behind him Aether jogged out through the hole that was once the entrance. Once out of sight he stopped and started walking down the many stairs, whisteling quietly to tell Paimon it was safe to come out. He dreaded what he had to do next.

Paimon: "Yay your ok Aether! Paimon was soo worried when it took longer! Are you okay, you seem kinda pale to me."

Aether: "Paimon I.....I saw Y/n again....." He told her, interrupting her. A longer silence followed as they continued on their way down nevertheless.

Paimon: "See Paimon told you he'd be fine! That means it wasn't his vision in the box right?! Wait....if you saw him why isn't he with us?! Aether tell Paimon you're kidding!" She suddenly screamed, floating face to face with Aether who could see her tears starting to form.

Aether: "Let me rephrase, I saw his body as he struk down La Signora with one clean hit, deviding her into seven pieces just like he promised back then, but the Y/n we both know hasn't been there since the ceremony at the statue with Thoma." He told her, shortly smiling as the memory from their last confrontation with La Signora back in Liyue, inside the Northland bank shot through his mind. Sadly it only stayed for a second before the floodgates opened and he embraced Paimon as both started sobbing once more.

Slowly stopping himself again Aether pressed Paimon to his chest and continued walking, he knew he couldn't hide his feelings forever, however right now all that mattered to him was to get away from this place, away from that cold, heartless Archon.

Upon hearing some kind of clashing sounds Aether decided to speed up, getting Paimon's attention as she quickly got out of his arms to increase their speed.

Now reaching the entrance Aether looked down in shock as he saw the resistance circling the entrance, keeping the Shogun's army seperated from their leader. He even saw some friends from Inazuma helping them.

Ayaka: "I shall no longer hide, for Inazuma's bright future! Kamisato Art: Soumetsu!"

Thoma: "Couldn't have said it any better! Now, Supporting fire!"

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