What If...The Contract has been Accepted?

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Found today's picure in my phone galary :0 Don't know where I got it from tho'


Currently Aether, Paimon and Y/n stood in the back, watching as Zhongli performed the Rite of Parting infront of many citizen, there were those who had a neutral expression and those who were either close to or were already crying. Even tho' it took Aether forever to help Zhongli arrange everything the Rite itself only took a few minutes, making him slump from dissapointment. Once the crowd had calmed down the Qixing walked up, ready to announce something.

Ningguang: "Citizen of Liyue, as the Qixing's representative I would like to announce the official cause of Rex Lapis death! We thought he had been killed, but in the end our medics confirmed the actual cause. The Lord of Geo left us due to his age. It appears that while they live significantly longer, even Archons cannot work against time. So I propose we heed this as a warning, we the Qiqing think that his death was a wake up call. We believe Liyue is now in the hands of the mortals! So we say let us prove how independet Humanity can become! Let us build a Liyue for the future! " She announced, receving cheers from everyone. Tho' it appears this was not the end of this ceremony as now Keqing stepped forward.

Keqing: "Regarding the recent events I would like to thank Aether, Y/N and Paimon, three travelers from Mondstadt that were able to play a crucial role in the defeat of Osial, the Overlord of the Vortex. We managed to subdue him by forcing him back into his old seal, sadly it cost us the Jade Chamber, but worry not for the planing of the second Jade Chamber already began." She announced while motioning the three of you to step forward.

Keqing: "Personally all I can say is thank you kind travelers, however as a member of the Qixing I ask of you to name one thing and we'll make it happen. " She told the three, who all had a shocked expression on their face, obviously not expecting a reward at all.

While the three still thought about it many all around them started to clap, cheering and thanking them for their help.

Aether: "Mhh....If it's not to much of a hassle, I'd like to put up some missing Person Posters arounf Liyue! " He told them, only to be met with a shocked crowd. It was clear as day that each of them would have asked for something very expensive.

Y/N: "If it's ok, I'd like to request a new set of clothings. Mine were kinda wrecked and full of holes. " He told them honest, tho he'd rather not tell them the hole came from him allowing Childe to stab him.

Paimon: "Oh Paimon knows! May Paimon receive a copy of the recipe for Liyue's famous Adeptal Temptation? " And of course the little fairy decided to get a new recipe for Y/n and Aether to cook.

Keqing: "Very well. I will need you meet me tomorrow, that way I can organize everything needed for your wishes. Aether, you'll need to give me a describtion and Y/N you'll just have to tell us your prefered color for the clothes. Now with that out of the way..." She explained. Now taking a few steps back, just for the audience to hear swishing sounds and before they knew what happened the sky all around Liyue was colored in many shades of the rainbow. Fireworks exploded everywhere.

In his periphhery Y/n was able to spot a black clothed Woman with a flower hat running around with even more Firework and for some reason she muttered something about 'little Yoimiya finally answering her requests' and ran of with what appeared to be one gigantic Firework.

Everyone had left the center and walked towards the railing to admire the show, only to realize it was already over. But what nobody expected was a giant boom that was followed by a huge smoke cloud. Out of said smoke flew a firework akin to a dragon, as if it had a mind of its own and so all of Liyue was able to see a bright glowing dragon fly through the city and watch as it released mini explosions of various colors among its way. For a few minutes this continued until it suddenly flew towards the docks, where it ascended high into the sky to explode in a gigantic mix of colors, drowning the nightsky in glowing, mesmerizing pictures of little dragons and visions. Deep down everyone knew that this might be the last dragon Liyue gets to see. However what Y/n heard, but wouldn't tell anyone about was a female voice in the distance shouting 'Yoimiya you mad woman! I asked for a small dragon firework, not for one that can be compared to the Jade Chamber!' and he would take this information to his grave if he had to.

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