Bye Bye little Butterfly

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POV: 3rd Person

???: "Fear not my brave soldiers, back up has...wait a second...where is the Shogun's army?" Said a woman clad in a blue dress, emerging from the shadows of the greenery, followed by many more soldiers. One could also spot some Beidou and some of her crew mambers in the crowd, all looking shocked and some shuddered imagining him as their enemy.

Gorou: "Your Exellency! It all happened so fast, I'm sure you saw the lightning and tornado yourself right? That was Aether over there! He swept three whole battalions of this field and even intimidated Kujou Sara!" The general exitedly told the woman, not even trying to stop his tail from wagging.

Meanwhile Beidou took the opportunity to have a chat with Aether, dragging Kazuha along as well. Only noticing his expression once she stood beside him, causing her to let go of Kazuha.

Beidou: "Hey there little guy, no long time no see ey? Where is our little chef hiding? I found some real strange stuff down in Sumeru and was wondering if he knew how to co- 'He's dead' -ok that..........I...I see that explains the vision in your hand. I will leave you to grief, take your time 'kay?" The now very shocked Beidou told him, not expecting to get this kind of message. Regardless she gave Aether a big, warm hug before giving him some space, leaving him with Kazuha.

Kazuha: "I won't say I understand you pain, I was once in a similar situation yet you never got to say goodbye did you? However what I understand is that the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. I also now that the death of a close friend usually takes a piece of our heart with it, leaving it vulnurable and incomplete." He told his friend that by now was clinging to him, slowly dragging both of them down onto their knees.

Aether: "That's the problem, he was more than a close friend to me! Why does it have to hurt so much!?" He shouted, clutching to Kazuha's shirt like his life depended on it. Feeling ashamed of crying infront of so many people he hid his face in Kazuha's chest. It was the first time in months that he felt this vulnerable, it was the first time others saw him without the walls he subconciously build around him since he entered Teyvat. Months worth of emotions erupting from his eyes, leaving a helpless Kazuha to pet his head in hopes of comforting him.

Kazuha: "There there, let it all out. You deserve that much. You know, my friend once told me 'Everyone dies twice, once when their pulse drops to zero and the second time when someone mentions them for the last time' and I'd say we stay away from the second phase right? He will hold a place in your heart no one else will ever fill, protecting the memories you made along your journey, making sure no one takes them from you again." He didn't now what it was that did it, but at some point he had calmed Aether enough to make him stop crying.

Aether: "Ye-Yes I'd rather not lose the second part of him too. Would..would you do me a favor Kazuha? Please help me attach this to my shirt." He told the white haired man, giving him Y/n's hood and before he knew it the hood was now attached to his clothing.

???: "I apolegize for my Interruption in such a delecated moment, however as the leader of the resistance, I Sangonomya Kokomi feel responsible to thank you for fighting our war for us. I-" She wanted to continue, but was stopped by Aether.

Aether: "Stop, please. I won't be helping the resistance any further, for now at least. I have a meeting scheduled with the Guuji, one I can't simply delay." With these words he slowly stood up, thanking Kazuha for the help before he slowly left the beach, heading back to Narukami Island.


POV: 3rd Person

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