City Of Dandelions

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POV: 3rd Person

Amber: "Welcome to Monstadt, City of the Winds and Dandelions. I hearby ask that you enjoy your stay and once again welcome you as a representative of the Knights of Favonious." She stated suddenly turning around and posing in a strange fashion. Thought To the two males the pose seemed forced and her smile seemed almost too friendly.

Paimon: "Finally! No more sleeping in the wild! " The small floating child screamed beside Y/N, making said boy flinch and stare at the fairy only to hear a low growl from her stomach.

Paimon: "Paimon is realy hungry now! Aether give me more food!" She demanded, resulting in a small glare from said blonde.

Amber: "Now with the formalities out of the way, I got a present for the two of you as a thank you for helping with the camp." She stated, intentionally ignoring Paimon while literaly pulling the two boys along by their arms.

Aether: "Calm down Amber! We can walk without you dragging us around!" The outlander stated pulling his arm out of her grip. Apparently already forgetting about Paimons remark.

Amber: "Sorry my bad,I just got excited! But please hurry I wanna show you something!" she exclaimed while letting go of the young archer and sprinting up the stairs.

Aether:"Amber slow down!" the blonde shouted sprinting after her.

Meanwhile the cloaked boy remained there with a stoic face and a Paimon by his side.

Y/N: " These two have way to much energy and don't worry Paimon I think I got some Chicken-Mushroom scewers in this bag." He said while throwing a small bag to Paimon.

Paimon: "You are now Paimons bestes friend in all of Teyvat,but lets catch up to these two." She said while staring at you like you were her new god to worship to obtain food.



Y/N: "Geez why are there so many stairs? City of Freedom,more like city of daily workouts." You groaned while finally arriving at the huge statue of the Anemo Archon.

Paimon: "Even Paimon is exhausted and Paimon is floating!" The child said while pouting as if someone stole her pudding.

Amber: " Finally, what took you so long?" the girl asked as if she didn't just ran up the stairs like a madman.

Y/N: "Sorry ,but some of us don't have the stamina to sprint up all these stairs." Why is everyone so energetic? You asked yourself .

Amber: "Either way take this! I already gave the Traveller one,he is already testing it out. Now come here so I can show you how it works!" The girl all but screamed while pushing what seemed to be a glider with orange wings which had yellow tips into your hands.

After a quick and brief explanation the Outrider just pushed you of the wall forcing you to use said glider and weave through two houses before seeing Aether standing by the fountain. So you landed or more like nearly fell on your nose by his side, hearing the Outrider in red giggling while landning perfectly.

Y/N: " Hey you lunatic! Why would you push me off such a high place!" Geez this girl is nuts, I mean who pushes a newbie of a cliff like place to get him to fly?!

Amber: "Huh? It worked did it not?" HUH? Is she seriously pretending it's okay?! I swear that girl needs some help.

Aether: "Wait she pushed you off?"

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