Sakura's Soft Embrace

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It took me like three days, but here you go the final Chapter! (Over 6700 Word, don't tell me I don't love you guys)

Last time

Outside the army of the Shogun was nursed back to health after the vision holder from all around Teyvat blew of some steam. The fight ended after Kujou Sara came limping out of the place declaring them as friends that are to be left alone. Shortly after the woman stumbled into Kokomi's arms who in return started treating her, albeit with a very small blush on her face.

Barbatos/Venti: "Man what is taking them so lo-" Before he could continue he had to catch a person that was flung out of the construct that appeared whenever an outsider used the puppet to enter the plane of Euthymia. The person he caught was no other than Raiden Y/n or Ei.

Barbatos/Venti: "Eh?!" He, of course got scared and dropped the possesed boy, who then fell into Zhongli's arms.

Zhongli: "So I take he has beaten some sense into you? Or perhaps you wish for another round? I would certainly love to have a go against you." He told the Archon in his arms, an uncharachteristic glare plastered on his face.

Said male slowly moved out of the arms and walked back up the stairs before turning around.

Raiden Y/n: "Very well, the power of your ambitions has bested mine so I shall declare the Vision Hunt Decree as abolished! Furthermore will I resume to repairing my original body. After that I shall make sure to hand this one to the Whang Sheng Funeral Parlor of Liyue. From there you shall be informed about his Funeral." He stated before limping back into the Tenshukaku, accompanied by a giggling Venti who stayed in his Archon form for now.


Paimon: "Woah Diluc, Zhongli, Jean and even Childe! What are they doing here?!" The pixie wondered, ignoring the exhausted Aether for now.

Yae: "Well...truth is, back when Y/n was ordered to the Grand Narukami Shrine he gave me a stack of letters to send. Those were addressed to people from all around Teyvat! I don't know how, but he somehow got six archons to join his side against Ei. My guess is that the original two got mad and this letter was the straw that broke the camels back. I don't know what was written inside these letters, even with guessing I couldn't tell you." The Fox Envoy told her and Aether.

Zhongli: " To keep it short, those were goodbye letters. Everyone got one. In it was his last goodbye coupled with his most joyful memory of us and he also voiced his only regret. I quote "But in the end I wasn't able to shake the Shogun's will, I do not regret my actions, however I regret to leave behind a confused and hurt Aether, not to mention Paimon. If I could turn back time I would, even if it was just for another minute with them". He asked us for one favour and we were free to decline if we wanted, he asked us to "support Aether, please. I fear the next time he fights the Shogun he may have to fight my body. I don't think he will be able to go all out." and each of us has answered his call. We need not think twice and for the first time in centuries I'll gladly unleash the very thing that made me an Archon. Let us see how Ei answers to the blood lust of an ancient dragon."He explained to them, his eyes turning into glowing hues as he slowly passed them, releasing a strong and menacing aura.

While the three watched Zhongli leave toward the Tenshukaku they failed to notice anoth figure approaching them.

???: "Excuse me? Allow me to Introduce myself. I am Cino, a scholar under the command of the Dendro Archon, acting as her eyes in this 'revolution' of sorts." Said a male clad in black anubis themed cloak.

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