How to Purify a Dragon

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???, POV: 3rd Person

It had been a while now, but Y/N still dared not opening his eyes for he knew the 'dream' had yet to end. Imagine his suprise when a voice he knew all to well could be heard from behind him.

???:" Hey! We don't have that much time left! Open your eyes already, I took care of that dream invading lady." The stranger said.

Y/N knew the voice belonged to Venti, but he also knew that whoever stood behind him was not Venti. Deciding to put his trust into the strangers words he slowly turned arround and opened his eyes. There before him stood a carbon copy of Venti, this copy however seemed to be slightly transparent.

Y/n tried to say something, anything, but his mouth refused to open cousing his to panic significantly.

Fake 'Venti': "Ah I forgot about the whole you can't talk here stuff. Let me explain whats going on, but first how about we leave this white space?" He asked, earning a nod from the very confused archer.

And with a sudden burst of colour the two stood infront of a giant tree, known as Windrise.

Fake 'Venti': "Now I think explaining this form first would be beneficial. You see the Venti you know was my friend in the past, well still is but I kinda passed away long ago. I will get to that part later. now the 'real' Venti you are thinking of is a Windspirit I met long ago called Barbatos, if I saw your few memories correctly he is the Anemo Archon now." The 'fake' Venti said, casually revealing the fact  that the 'real' Venti was Barbatos, a god.

Fake? Venti: "Regarding my presence here, you're probably wondering how we are talking if I am dead right? Well thank to my strong determination to return to teyvat just once I got the chance to posses someone or something, that someone being you, an already unconcious person with no memories. Now my original plan was to use my last bit of power to talk to Barbatos one more time, but it appears to be better used to purify Dvalin, because from what I've seen this blonde boy and his fairy won't be enough." He explained to Y/N while walking back and forth showing it was no easy decision for him to forsake his last minutes of life.

Fake? Venti:"Now I have a theory regarding your amnesia and I also got to tell you some more details of our...lets say symbiosis for now..."

(What? You thaught I'd spoil it already? Naaaa....)


Shooting out of bed Y/N realized he was finally awake, deciding not to go straight back down to the very likely drunk God of Anemo, he decided to fix his bed hair in his little bathroom.

When examinating himself in the mirror he noticed a teal coloured strand of hair, guessing the whole real/fake Venti thing was in fact not a dream he decided to keep the whole 'I am possesed by your dead friend' thing secret. Leaving the bathroom and going back downstairs one could no longer see the teal hair as it had been covered by simply brushing other hair over it.

Venti: "HEY! There you are, it has gotten quite lonely down here, the others seem to take their sweet time getting back." He shouted throughout the tavern in his drunk state. Deciding to mess with him Y/N got an idea.

Y/N: "Look Barbatos...I mean Venti I don't care how much wine you drank, but please clean up the mess you made down here." He said, pretending to accidently use the wrong name.

Just as Y/N expected the Bard got sober within the second he realized what was just said to him. With a slight smile he watched as a now wide eyed bard got a serious look before snapping once, making every empty bottle vanish.

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