Calm After The Storm

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Guys! I usually write a note below but we reached 2k! I thought 500 reads was impossible :0 Thank You!


POV: Paimon's Recap

It's been a few days now since we freed Dvalin and saved Mondstadt, after we returned Jean and the Knight offered to search for Aethers sister now, but he refused and demanded to search for Y/N.

We all hoped he survived whatever that blinding thing was since Dvalin was back in a matter of seconds. Sadly everyones hopes are dwindling as he has yet to appear, during these days Aether thought it was his fault as he wasn't able to pureify Dvalin fast enough, but Paimon thinks he did it as fast as possible!

During these sad and grieving times we also came face to face with La Signora, the eighth Harbinger of the Fatui! Within a few seconds she froze Paimon and grapped Tone Deaf Bard's Gnosis, he only told us after this encounter what a gnosis was, but Paimon kinda forgot.


???????, Y/N

Y/N: "What is this place? Why is everything white?" I wondered out loud, trying to guess where I was.

After all I was just ontop of a Dragon crying my eyes out while purifying it.

Mind Venti?: "Sorry! We kinda went overboard. This will be our last time is over, but I cannot leave you like this!" He screamed out loud, portraying how much it hurt each of us to realize he had to leave forever.

Y/N: "What do you mean like this? Did you find anything in my memories?!" I asked him, quite frantically. Who wouldn't, he might know more about me!

Mind Venti?: "Not really, you see when I came down to Teyvat you were the first I met, not the current you, but the you with all of his memories. We made a contract.....I would be allowed to use his body fo my task, and in return I would gift him a semblance of human emotions. When I posessed you your looks changed drastically, you once had black hair with mesmerizing purple eyes and pale skin. I can't promise that your memories will return after i am gone, same with your looks."

(After this you decide if you wish to look like well you, or like what I described just now)

Y/N: "Wait, what?! Why would I delibratly give my memories up?! Please tell me!" I questioned him and by the archons I need that answer, why did past me want to forget?

M.Venti?: "From what I gathered you are by no means human, you're nothing more than a puppet that has gained a mind of its own. The dream you had.....before we first met, aftert I took your body, it was a function your creator installed should memory loss occure, but I supressed it before it could activate, as a matter of fact I supressed all of your rules and functions, allowing you to live like a normal human!" He said seemingly pleased with his work. But there was so much more I wanted to ask him.

Y/N: "Before you leave...Who is my creator?!" That was the last thing I wanted to know, from there I should be able to act alone.

M.Venti: "Her name is Ei, the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma or also known as the Electro Archon. She created three puppets, two of which she created as a test and one to use for herself. You are one of the tests...Kantorī Ku..." before he could continue he vanished and with him the world around you."

Y/N: " Goodbye...friend." I said as loud as I could, slowly starting to cry.

Who wouldn't? I just learned who or better what I really am! I am no human, just a puppet gone rogue! But past me wanted to be human...I can still feel emotions so...I will fulfill his wish!

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