'Ehe' My Ass

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POV: 3rd Person

After Diluc took care of the guards by comparing 'der Himmel' to his wine cellar and stating that stealing something you cannot sell was the thives worst mistake, after all they could earn more money with his wine. This led to the guards leaving, confused by his statement about his wine, not realizing that it wasn't even addressed to them, but to the three individuals who were still hiding upstairs.

Once it was over they came back down to answer some of Diluc's questions, said person was currently having a conversation with his substitute bartender / waiter. Sadly the actions of an insolent bard resulted in the end of said conversation and a nasty glare directed towards the bard.

Bard: " Hmmm I think I will have this ...." He stated unaware of the glare he was reciving.

Diluc: "The only think you will have is a good explenation for this mess, or so may the archons help you. Now put. that. wine. back!" The redhead snapped at him.

Bard: "Let me finish the drink first? i will pay you, with a performance of course!" The bard said, as if he wasn't reciving a death glare.

Diluc: " It's not about the money, you simply seem to be too young to drink. Now regarding my questions." He continued, only to be interrupted by a sheepish looking blonde and his floating companion.

Aether: "Would it be alright if I ask a question first?" The blonde asked unsure.

Bard: "His name is Diluc and he is well known throughout Monstadt for his rather special personality... and for his Dandelion Wine of course. I am a huge fan, tho I can never effort more then a single bottle. Oh and lets not forget he owns this lovely tavern!" The bard said enthusiasticaly while wiggling his eyebrows at the blonde.

Diluc: " Now these two Guards just told me some..rather interesting news. First I must admire your drive and will to actually steal 'der Himmel', even tho it makes you two wandering fools, it still makes you admirable fools." Diluc said with a slightly noticeable smirk.

Meanwhile Y/N just sat beside them at the bar, simply listening and feeding Paimon with a few Mushroom-Scewers. He too was now interested in the actual story of this grand theft.

Bard: " This is the new hotshot of the knights of Favonius, why would someone so aspiring steal Monstadts secret treasure?" He questioned the redheaded tavern owner.

Diluc: "So you're the newbie everyone is talking about and I take it this bard is with you?" The redhead aked suspiciously.

Aether: " Well... I have known Venti for only a little while." He said, only now realizing that he agreed to a theft with someone he barely knew.

Meanwhile the small archer, who was still listening perked up, grinning for he finally knew that bards name.


'So that's his name,Venti the bard...sound like a fake name tho. Meh maybe Venti is just his stage name.' I thought while having a small smile on my face.

Having tuned out the quite long conversation of those three you suddenly jolt when you hear Venti start playing his lyre.

(For those who don't know Dvalins tale please watch this or read the bold text below :I )

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