Temple Run Mania

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Pov: 3rd Person

After a short walk down the mountain of stairs the group finally arrives at the Favonius Headquarters. The two traveller however were more interested in activating the Waypoint on the roof, so with a five minute delay they enter the acting Grandmasters office where two women were already waiting. One wearing a purple dress and a matching witch hat and the other wearing a white shirt and pants with a blue jacket. Both noticed the group immediately.

Kaeya immediately explained the current situation regarding Stormterror to the two vision bearers.

Kaeya: "And that is the current situation Grandmaster." He stated resulting in a thoughtful expression on her face.

Jean: " I see, thank you for the report Kaeya. Now to you two." She said turning towards the two traveller with a serious expression.Before continuing she stood up and walked around her desk before stopping infront of the two.

Jean: "Monstadt welcomes you respectable traveller! As the acting Grandmaster i thank you for your recent involvement regarding the Stormterror attack. Oh and this is Lisa our local librarian."Jean said gesturing towards the lady dressed in purple after respectfully bowing to the two traveller.

Lisa: "My my are you cuties here to help? Since his awakening Stormterror has terrorized all of Monstadt and its surrounding, so the Elemental sphere and Leylines of Mondstadt are like a ball of yarn in the paws of a kitten."The librarian stated while leaning on a wooden railing.

Jean: "From what Amber told me you are currently looking for your sister, right Aether? While we can help with that problem, we ask that you simply stay here for a while since most of our knights are busy with Stormterror. Once that problem is cleared we will be able to help you with your search!" She said determined to take care of Stormterror as fast as possible.

Seeing that the knight were determined to help in his search for his sister Aether decided to assist in the Stormterror crises.

Aether: "Of course I will help as well,can't let the knights do it all alone now can I ? "the blonde stated after all just a tiny favour and he will have the assistance of a whole nation to find his sister.

Y/N: " I would like to help as well."  He may not know much, but he wanted to free Mondstadt of this plague, it made him sad to see everyone cowering in fear in their houses.

Jean: "Very well I appreciate the help. Now that Stormterror is attacking Mondstadt itself we can bring out the heavy cavalry as well. Thanks to Lisa we now know the source of the tornados power." The Grandmaster said proudly looking towards Lisa for more information.

Lisa: " That would be the four temple of the winds. It is no wonder Stormterror can create such powerful tornados, he uses the powers accumulating in the temples for himself, meaning we simply cleanse three of the four temples." The librarian mused seeming to enjoy her current task.

Paimon: "Paimon doesn't get it! Why only three and not all four temples?" The fairy whispered to the traveller,looking as confused as ever.

Aether: "We will tell you later,just listen for now ok?" The boy whispered back to the floating childe,getting what seems to be a nod of agreement.

Jean: " We must hurry now,time is against us! Amber you take Aether with you,Kaeya you will be accompenied by Y/N and Lisa the two of us will take the last temple!" She ordered, blushing slightly at the last part.

With nobody objecting Jean gave a final nod and left with Lisa, shortly after Amber started dragging Aether away leaving Y/N with the cavalry captain Kaeya.

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