Of The Land Amidst Monoliths

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POV: 3rd Person

It has now been a few days since they left Mondstadt and set off to Liyue, during these days Y/N showed Aether the safest way to cross Dragonspine without too many unecessary fights accompanied with a quick stop near a camp. Much to Y/N's dismay the alchemist of said camp was not present at that time and so he couldn't introduce his first friend to Aether.

Currently the two were walking past a big Treehouse called Wangshu Inn while Paimon did her usual ' I'll just teleport away 'till we are there and/or get food '

Y/N: "I'm telling you she'll have my head if we return to Mondstadt! " He shouted, obviously refering to someone he angered before his abrupt leave with Aether.

Aether: "Are you sure about that? From what you told me about her she doesn't seem too bad." He said confused as to why his companion was so afraid.

Y/N: "Not so bad? She literally holds a grudge against anyone in Monstadt and more! She also knows every reason for these grudges! And ontop of it all I promised to get a drink in Angel's Share with her once the Stormterror crisis was solved! I can already hear her chasing me with a claymore! " He rambled without noticing the look of pure jealousy on Aethers face everytime he mentioned 'her'.

During their talk the two had not noticed multiple pairs of eyes watching them, one was not to be seen by the mortal eye while the other just sat on the terrace of the Inn eating.

???: "So he returned, hmph what a stupid decision." Their first watcher mumbled before vanishing into a greenish cloud of smoke.

???: "Strange... ones fate is hidden from the stars while that of the other is nothing, never in my years have I seen such a lack of fate. Wait...I understand, he does not have a fate for he wasn't born under the light of the stars? Or is it that he shares his fate with someone else, sadly I will only know if I ever meet said other person. How strange....strange indeed."

While the strange held her monologue the two traveller had already left, already closing in on Liyue Harbor. Meanwhile said stranger only got weird looks from the people around her while she was muttering like crazy, scaring even the waiter with her food off.


Paimon: "It's a good thing we reached Liyue Harbor, the Rite of Descention should start soon!"

Aether: "Ohh and do you know where and when exactly?" He asked sarcasticaly, already aware of Paimons lack of said information

Paimon: "Hey, let's ask one of the locals! But while we are here did you know that Teyvats only Mora forge resides in Liyue, oh and that Mora is named after Morax the Geo Archon of Liyue? Also remember to address him by the name Rex Lapis and not Morax, since that would label you as rude in liyue customs!" The small floating child rambled, not caring if her companions actually understood everything.

After her small introduction to Liyue the three started asking around for directions to the Rite of Descention, while asking three different citizen all said the same thing, head to Yujin Terrace as it was the highest part of Liyue.

However during said conversations Aether once had to physically restrain Y/N from decking a lady in the face after she insulted Mondstadt for its missing god, even though he wanted to do that himself aswell. Another time he had to restrain Paimon whos eyes were replaced by Mora signs from attaching herself to Y/N, when she heard that the Tianquan Ningguang herself was trying to exempt the crystals and rocks created by Geo Visions from taxes. All Paimon understood was that Y/N's Vision was her key to unlimited food supplies.

After these exhousting talks, at least for Aether, the three made their way up to Yujin Terrace, greeting an older, tea drinking lady on their way up. Once they arrived it was obvious where the rite would be held as a crowd had gathered not to far away. Said crowd had gathered in a circle around a banquet with a central stone structure.

Into the center walked a tall, beautifull woman with long white hair and a golden dress. From what they could guess this was Ningguang the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing.

Ningguang: "The hour is upon us." She spoke softly, earning a nod from her assistants while they took a step back.

After she had enough space Ningguang started to gather geo energy and created a few small, orange glowing crystalls that orbited around her. Following their creation Ningguang turned around, now facing the stone structure and send the crystals toward it. Each positioned itself around the structure. Suddenly Ningguang made each of them halt and collide with the stone, making it glow and shoot a pillar of light into the sky. All around the pillar the clouds darkened, swirrling around the glow.

After this it all happened so quick, one second everyone saw their beloved Archon, the next they realized with terror that he was descending yes, but not willingly. It was clear to everyone that he was falling. Once he crashed ontop of the summoning structure, breaking it the Tianquan stepped up to get a closer look. Her next words send a shiver down everyones spine. To hear that their Archon, the god that supported and walked alongside Liyue throughout its history as a protector, had fallen. It created an atmosphere of pure and raw terror. The kind of terror that was felt throughout Liyue, even in some parts of Mondstadt.

The next word spoken would end an era of history, one many were not ready to end.

Ningguang: "Rex Lapis has been assassinated! Seal the exits! " The Tianquan shouted, her voice breaking halfway through.


At the same time a lone bard could be seen calmly playing his Lyre ontop of the Anemo Archons Statue in Mondstatd until he abruptly stopped. He felt it, the pure terror of a whole nation. All he could do was watch his lyre fall in slowmotion as his eyes filled with tears. Much later a redhead could be seen climbing up the statue and sitting with the Bard.

Diluc: "I was wondering where you were, you missed your scheduled performance..."He said trying to start a conversation with the obviously sad bard.

Venti: "He...He is gone..." he said in disbelieve, loud enough for Diluc to barely hear.

Diluc: "Who? Who is gone Venti!? " He asked starting to fear the worst.

Venti: "Morax! Morax has fallen! The oldest of the Archons is DEAD! That means I, the dumb, careless Bard am the last Archon of the Original Seven!" He screamed out loud, trying to stop his tears from falling.

This news were shocking, even to Diluc, someone who wasn't the fondest of the Archons. After taking the now exhousted Venti to the tavern to sleep he made his way somewhere he once swore to never enter again.

The Headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, to alert them of the upcoming dark times.


Overseas, where the lightning struck the slightest wave, in the center of a massive room sat a lone figure. Slowly opening their eyes and turning their head toward Liyue.

????: "As it seems only the Wind remains now, I wonder how much longer until even the winds accept the new era of Archons. The Earth had to be removed by force it seems." They spoke with a cold voice, showing they did not care for Morax death. However suddenly their Eyes started glowing purple.

????: " So thats where you were hiding! What a shame you seem to have lost most of your functions, but no worries once I have you back Inazuma will know what true eternity looks like!" The Person said calmly, this time however with a more human like voice.



The plot thickens :0

I hope you liked this chapter. Like I promised new Year = new chapter :D

Also should I skip the Abyss Sibling story line ( We Will Be Reunited)? I can't seem to find a way to integrate Y/N.

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