Goodbye my Friend

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This will be the last part of the Liyue arc :)


It had been a few day since the Rite of Parting took place, the last few days were mostly spend earning some Mora. Just as promised Qixing were able to present the three their gifts. First Keqing led them through Liyue harbour showing Aether every place with a poster of his sister and explained in great detail why those spots were chosen, thus she was already doing better than a certain outrider who just put them wherever. Next stop was Wanmin restaurant where Paimon obtained the copy of her all time favorite food and of coure made sure Aether and Y/N were both comfortable with recreating it. At the end of that day the four visited the Qixing's personal Tailor to get Y/n's new clothes as he was wearing borrowed clothes, needless to say while looking like Xiao was cool and comfortable Y/n still felt naked without a cape of at least some sleeves.

His new outfit consisted of a pair of dark blue shoes, a pair of white pants with grey areas on the upper legs, a blue belt and a grey long-arm shirt and to bring it all together a cape in black fading from top to bottom into a semi dark blue.  (Author sucks at describing clother so he'll upload a reference in the next Bio Update :3 )

During the next day, while Y/N was returning Xiao his now washed spare clothes he was able to spot Aether chasing a treasure horder with what seemed to be his white haired brother of unknown origin. Feeling to lazy to follow he continued on his way towards Wangshu Inn to have a chat with the adeptus residing there.

He already noted the suspicious looking girl with a giant wizard hat watching him walk up to the lift, seemingly wishing to just grab him and ask for something, alas she did not and only watched quietly as he went up the Inn.

Y/N: "Xiao" He called out and not a second later he felt the familiar cold shudder he felt whenever his adeptus friend got near.

Y/N: "I brought the clothes you lend to me, thanks again. Who knew your clothes were this comfy. Oh and don't worry I washed them already. " He said, not even bothering to look behind him to check if the adepti was even listening.

Xiao: "It is no problem" He stated monotone while standing beside Y/n and looking over Liyue from the Inns top. With his simple answer he created a rather long silence after he got his clothes bag, but what he heard was Y/n cursing everyone for having some kind of invisible inventory while he had to carry everything he had. Deciding to break the rather awkward silence the Yaksha decided to speak what was on his mind.

Xiao: "I heard you'll be leaving soon...when exactly are you going to leave? I already heard Aether running through here while talking loudly about entering Inazuma by ship so I got you these pills. You may not remembere but when we last talked before your left fot Mondstadt you told me how hard it was leaving Inazuma, not because of the familiar ties, but because you got seasick very easily not even holding up for 5 minutes. So I hope these will be enough." He said while giving the (H/C) male a small box of pills.

Y/N: "Yeah, Aether told me we'd have to wait a week at most, but that with a bit of luck we'd leave tomorrow. That's why I came all the way here to talk with you. After the Rite of Parting I was finally able to remembere a few more things one of them helping me create a small gift for you! " The cloaked boy said, giving Xiao a small necklace with a single green glowing gem inside. Noticing the Yakshas confused gaze he giggled a little and continued to tell him to put it on. Once he did Xiao was able to feel some kind of pressure lifting itself of his shoulders.

Y/N: "Judging by your face i'd say it worked. Look at the gem." Was all he told the Yaksha, who immediatly followed the instruction and held the gem up to examine it.

First nothing happened, however a small gasp was all Y/n needed to know it worked perfectly. Xiao was able to see a small black smoke cloud swirling around as if the insides of the gem were fluid. Only by analyzing the gem more did he realize what it did.

Xiao: "How. How can it be that such a small stone is able to trap Karmic debt strong enough to haunt a Yaksha! " He exclaimed, not really getting over the newfound comfort in his body. Not a single dark thought crossed his mind, not even the small burning sensation that started his debt remained.

Y/N: "Are...Are you ok Xiao? You've been just standing there for quite a while now..." But before he could continue he was forced into a hug by the Yaksha. Feeling his shoulder getting wet he decided to remain in this hug as long as Xiao deemed neccessary.

Sadly their moment was interrupted when they heard Verr Goldet, the Inn keeper calling for Xiao while shouting about some demons being spotted near the Inn.

Xiao: "It appears I must take my leave. I hope you have a nice and safe journey in Inazuma....My Friend." He said, only turning around while when he called Y/n a friend to show him a bright smile before vanishing completly.

After staying a bit longer he too decided to return to his temporary room in Liyue. Having used most of his Powers and energy to create the small gem he gifted Xiao was slowly taking a toll on his body. That however did not stop him from throwing a bag of Mora in the Wizard girls face on his way back, inside the bag was a simple note that said 'You obviously need it'.

Once he reached his room in the small Inn he found a note on his desc, it was a note from Aether saying he and Paimon ate earlier and went to bed already since their ships captain was able to get everything ready for a departure by the next day.

Deciding against sleeping just yet he sat down at his desc before taking out a few sheets of Paper and a pen to write a letter for his friends he'll leave behind by going to Inazuma. Usually he wouldn't write multiple pages, however he decided to tell them all about his adventures now as he had a bad feeling about Inazuma.

' Dear Diluc, '

' Guess what? I got new friends! '



And thus Liyue's story ends, what might happen in Inazuma?

As always I'll take a little break now since A) I've been uploading for days on end now and B) to once more gathere my few notes and to plan out Inazuma a bit better.

It has been a bit since this Story started and to be honest this wasn't supposed to become popular! I just used it as a way to rid myself of this idea :)

And I gotta be honest I love writing it all myself. The comments also mae my day when I see some, no matter what they contain.

So of course I hope you enjoyed Arc 2 of 'Everchanging World".

Now all that's left is the new Bio :)

Everchanging World (Genshin Impact X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now