What If....A Contract was Formed?

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To some this may get confusing, as I announced I am now happy to publish the first What if? Chapter :D This takes place during the Canon Episode 'Gnosis Drama, Time for a Talk' and is an abreviation of the events.

Pov: Y/N

Finally, the Adepti have chosen to return to the mountains for their isolation as they noticed that todays Liyue is something unknown to most of them. They realized mankinds progress and promised to stay away, but would intervene if necessary.

Once we left Aether told me he wished to visit the Northland bank to get payback. I'm sure gingerbread man won't expect us so soon.

Smol Time Skip

Man what is wrong with these people? Who approved the design of these stairs, this is more of a labyrinth than anything else. We got lost about five times before we finally found the way.

Aether: "Oh? Mr Zhongli what are you doing here? I thought you'd be busy with the Rite of Parting." Aether said, after suddenly running up to a tall man with brown hair and brown clothing.

But that wasn't just some guy I could tell so much. His eyes betray him, so does his vision that releases no hint of elemental energy not to forget his aura, it was one I only felt once before and that was around Venti. So does that mean that is Morax, the Archon of Geo?

Zhongli: "Oh Traveler I was merely on my way to fulfill a contract of mine. What brings you here? " By the look he gave me it became clear he realized I was no human either.

Y/N: "We were on our way to beat a certain Gingerbread boy up, he was kinda responsible for the whole 'Osial Noodle of the Vortex' thing, but that's beside the point. Would you mind a quick private talk my old friend? Sorry Aether can you wait here for a bit, It won't be long I promise! " I told them, just to make it click with Zhongli I emphasized the old part. By the look he gave me he realized that only I knew and not Aether.

Zhongli: " But of course, follow me please. " man that is one strained smile he got there. Wonder what got him so stressed all of a sudden.

After making sure nobody could hear I wanted to ask him more regarding my creator or I guess 'Mother', but he beat me to the punch.

Zhongli: "What are you doing here Baal? You're supposed to be in Inazuma so you better have a good reason to be travelling around with the Traveler." He told me with a stern look... wait did he call me Baal, seems as if he needs some glasses for his old eyes.

Y/N: "First my name is Y/N not Baal. I don't know why you're talking to me like this but I suppose my hunch of you being Morax was correct." I told him, watching as his face switched from stern to an somewhat relived expression. Jeez my 'Mother' seems to have quite the bad reputation.

Zhongli: "I see... I apolegize for this misunderstanding and yes I am Morax, however I go by Zhongli nowadays. You however are the walking example of the Shoguns mastermind. To be able to create such a powerful core, it seems as if you have a gnosis, but at the same time don't. I wonder if... yes so that's what she did. How...creative." He told me, starting to ramble while his eyes seemed to glow as if he tried to look through me. Feeling slightly violated I hugged myself over the chest, signaling Zhongli to stop staring, which he did just then.

Zhongli: "Ah it seems I got lost in thoughts, but I think I figured out a contract that will benefit both of us, all I'd need to see beforehand would be your core." He told me, making direct eye contact.

Y/n: "I..I see. You wouldn't happen to have some kind of hiding place nearby? I'd rather not have some Fatui see me reveal my heart to you."

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