Reunion's and Goodbye's

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Starting here there might be small spoilers regarding the 2.5 quest's


Yae: "Now tell me, how does it feel...knowing that the only way everyone will survive this is by you acting perfect at every single decicive moment?" It was clear to both that this was supposed to be taunting him, as it was in Yae's nature to taunt, but her worry was still noticiable.

Y/n: "You and I both know that this is the only actual wa- HUH?! He's getting closer? It makes no sense, for him to draw closer means....sorry Yae, I have to go!"He abruptly shouted, running out of the shrine. Meanwhile Yae was left behind, a bitter expression evident on her face.

Yae: "You fool,that plan will fail, no one can ever be perfect, no matter how strong or smart, everyone has a flaw. So why cling to such a plan unless...I see, you knew it all along didn't you?"



Who would've thought that the Fatui could get this close to the shrine without being detected, I certainly didn't, but that's beside the point. The real question is why is he here all of a sudden?

Fatui Guard: "Have you heard? The Lord 6th has ordered the relocation of the production, apparently some pink foxes have been seen stalking the factory's surrounding area. Nobody understands his sudden change in mood ya know?"

Fatui Guard 2: "Yeah I heard we'll be sent to the new location any day now, the 6th has apparently arrived a few minutes ago. They say he was evacuating everyone inside, spouting about some strong enemy coming our way."

Are these two stupid, blind or both? I'm not even hiding at this point. I'm just sitting above them on a rock? Oh? Someone's coming.

Fatui agent: "What are you two still doing here? We are the only Fatui left here, let's go already. I don't wanna deal with whatever scared our Lord."

I guess this is my clue then? Oh let's generate an electric terrain and some flashing eyes. Just for the scare of course.

F. Guards: "What is this mist? Ow it shocked me!" They were now jumping back from the mist, not keen on getting zaped again, what a pity it was just getting entertaining to watch.

Y/n: "I fear you have been to slow. After all I'm here already, so won't you be some good little bugs and leave? *thump*.... Well falling unconsious works too I guess. Now let's go greet him shall we?"


POV: 3rd Person

Entering the factory it became obvious how rushed the Fatui had left. They left one big mess behind, it was such a big mess that Y/n was happy about just following the main hallway to the heart of it all. There in the dark he saw the one he was looking for.

In the dark stood none other than Scaramouche, the 6th Harbinger under the order of the Fatui.

Y/n: "My my, you didn't flee like the rest? That's quite the suprise seeing as who you are as a person. Isn't that right Brother?" He asked, receiving a 'tch' from the Harbinger.

Scaramouche: "Tch, to think she created another one. Are you here to stop me? I'd like to see you try." He answered cocky, releasing his electro energy to create an electric field around them.

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