How To Actually Purify a Dragon

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Suprise! Another one !

Dawn Winery, POV: 3rd Person

After a relaxing day at Dawn Winery our Protagonist and Diluc can be seen outdoors, waiting for the rest to assemble. Of course pretending not to notice Venti appearing out of thin air.

Venti: "Hey I'm early for once! Where is the rest?" He questioned confused.

Diluc tho' only gave him a grumble and made a nod refering to the area behind the Bard where Aether and Jean could be seen walking towards the Winery.

Jean: " Hello, please excuse our tardiness we had to avoid being spotted by Kaeya." She apolegized.

Y/N: " No need to apologise now, lets rather spend our time hearing what Diluc found out!" He told her, while gesturing towards the redhead.

After going over their new information they came to the conclusion that Dvalin returned to his lair, which was located to the west of Mondstadt. The group decided to just use the one road that actually led to the lair, walking said path led past a cliff with adome like structure on top peeking out of Wolvendome. Some more walking later the group was met with a wind barrier between them and Stormterrors Lair, luckily they had the literal God of Anemo with them so dispatching the barrier was a childs play.

Venti: " Everyone please stay on guard! From this point onwards I cannot guarantee your safety!" The bard explained, tho' everyone was already wel aware of that fact.

Their way to the main tower was spent listening  to a petty argument between Venti and Paimon. With them repeating each others sentences in a squieky voice nobody noticed that Diluc seemed to have edged closer to his apparently new favourite person after hearing the green bard's words. Soon they noticed the Tower was also surrounded by an Anemo barrier, this time however they could not get close enough to dispell it. Thats when Y/N noticed the suspiciously convinient created wind currents all around the barrier.

Y/N: "Guys if we can't get through it, how about we use these Wind currents to glide onto the tower from above? I doubt the barrier is erected that high into the sky." He stated while giving Venti a thankfull side eye, for he knew those weren't natural wind currents just appearing. Well his personell little mind Venti told him but still!

Without another option they opted to take the way around and after a few minutes of pure gliding they finally reached the top, only to notice the mechanism had to be activated from the outside of the barrier making everyone groan and splitt up. While Jean and Diluc each went to get one of the three puzzle pieces Aether grabbed Venti while saying he should do some work as well and took off to get the last one, but not before ordering Y/N to protect the mechanism until they return.

Making sure noone was around Y/N focused and created a small projection from his eyes, one compareable to a hologram, with a depiction of his little ghost friend.

Ghost 'Venti': "Now remember what I told you, with this amount of Anemo energy around I should be able to purify Dvalin as a last resort, if needed. Maybe the blonde will succeed, but I have to know, are you really ok with me taking over if he fails?" The projection asked with an unnaturaly serious expression.

Y/N: "Yes I don't care how weird it may feel or how much power that requires! All I care about is saving Dvalin, because of our connection I can hear his cry's of sorrow up here!" And with that short conversation the small projection faded, leaving Y/N alone at the top.

Thankfully the three groups were able to obtain the pieces quick and efficantly. Meaning Y/N didn't need to wait too long. Imagine their suprise when the mechanism created a small pillar of light, which resulted in a voice ringing out throughout the room.

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