Unsupervised Traveller

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POV: 3rd Person

The sun was now at its peak and our favourite little archer can be seen leaving Monstadts main plaza making his way towards the Angel's share to meet up with Diluc. While walking he was able to see some weird cat and mouse chase between that green bard and Aether, who seems to be quite annoyed.

After finally arriving he instantly went up to his current room to change into the Uniform given to him by Diluc on that morning.

Said uniform consists of a black pair of pants, a black undershirt and a white vest combined with a black tie. From what he knew the outfit once belonged to Master Diluc, however he gave it to the young archer since it was to small for himself.

Realizing the time he went down the stairs into the back of the tavern where a certain redhead was already waiting.

Diluc: "Good you're punctual as well, this won't be too hard so don't worry ok?  You will mostly be serving, while I mix the drinks. I put another menu over there, together with a few profiles of especialy annoying patrons." He stated with a small, friendly smile while pointing to a small table with a few documents scattered all over it.

Y/N:" I see, so today I just need to learn the menu? Seems easy enough." He chirped happily, already taking a seat at the table.

Noticing Diluc leave shortly, he already peeked at the profiles and he did not look suprised when the biggest profile belonged to that always smirking and flirting idiot of a Cavalry Captain. He also noticed the creepy nun that was watching him the night before.

Y/N: "So her name is Rosaria huh? That makes two that I know, well to some extend."  He tought out loud not realizing Diluc already returned.

Diluc: "Don't worry, if she does that again you're more then welcome to kick her out. Same goes for Kaeya. No matter how hard I try, they always come back the next night." He sighs seemingly exhousted by the mere thought of those two.

After that short talk Diluc resumed his shift and Y/N started to study the menu.

---------------------------------Time skip-----------------------

Y/N is currently delivering drinks when Diluc called for him again. The moment he got back to the counter Diluc instructed him with a few tips and more.

Diluc: "Aside from that please note that I will need to leave in 10 minutes ok? So make another round and ask if someone wishes to have another mixed drink, if not they might need to wait for another hour." He stated reciving a small nod from Y/N.

When noone needed another drink for the time Diluc walked into the back, apparently he just needed a break. Though not even a minute after his leave a certain nun,wearing fishnets, a black and white dress and a cryo vision appeared at the counter, inbetween a blink of the younger geo user, making him jump a bit. Tho before he could say anything she already glared at him, giving him shivers down his spine.

Rosaria: "You better listen, cuz I will only say this once. I do not trust you one bit, first you just appear out of nowhere and then the same night I see you scheming with that Lawrence girl. You are beyond suspicious so you better tread carefully now, one small hiccup and I will personally see to your demise, got that?" She spat, making every word sound like venom rolling of her tongue.

The Young archer seemed to be able to keep a straight face, before giving Rosaria an ice cold glare, one that made even the nun shudder.

Y/N: "Finished? Good, now there are a few mistakes in those observations of yours and I'd like to correct them. First of all I myself don't know from where I came from, second of all you better call her by her name or we are gonna have a probeme here, just being a decent person doesn't make one evil. Now last but not least..." The pause at the end made Rosaria even more uneasy, after all he just said all that with a sickeningly sweet smile and yet used a very threatening tone with her.

Seeing him twist his expression from that smile to another icy glare made Rosaria feel fear for the first time since what felt like forever to her.

Y/N: "If you even think about harming me I will personally sent a whole quiver worth of arrows through that head of yours, but not before pinning you down with an arrow in each of your joints. You got my point now? Good... then I ask you to leave the tavern, for tonight you are banned, have a nice...sober night." He declared with a friendly smile towards the end.

After processing that she would get no alcohol this night the nun simply tched and left with a scowl on her face.

Diluc: " Your the first one ever to get here to back down you know? Even Kaeya won't be able to stop her when she is this mad, you however seem to be able to match her energy."He said from the backdoor with a slightly proud tone.

Y/N: "Well for someone who likes to spy on people she seems quite ineffective at her job, I knew she was spying on me.  I also never matched her energy, I simply scolded her, I was nowhere as mad as she was." Y/N stated with a smile towards Diluc, tho the later could practically smell the fear of some Ginger who was gonna piss you of in the future.

Later that day, at nighttime you were simply washing the glasses while Diluc sat at the bar quietly reading a book. Suddenly a certain blonde rushed in together with that annoying bard in green.

???: "We'd like to have one of your most inconspicuous tables please" The bard said without even looking at you or Diluc for that matter.

Y/N: "Well the ones upstaires should be inconspicuous enough for the three of you." He said making the bard jump,he never thought you would stay in the tavern,much less work there.

Aether: "Thank you,we will be going there then!" The blonde said,smiling apolegetic towards you before dragging the stuttering bard upstaires. Followed by Paimon who got another Chicken scewer from Y/N before flying after them.

Shortly after the doors were slammed open by two favonian guards.

Guards: " Have you seen two thieves Master Diluc? The Holy Lyre 'Der Himmel' was stolen!" They screamed in a hurry.



There it is :D

Did I have a small breakdown because Wattpad didn't save the last draft? Possibly.

Did I have to rewrite the whole chapter, very much yes.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this piece of my pain <3

And as always ,Grammar will be corrected if I find the mistakes :3

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