Chapter 15 (Edited)

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José looked at me once more before looking away. He probably knew that he wasn't going to be the predator, because I was bigger and stronger than him. "What do you want us to do?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I need you to show me where the Mess Hall is," I replied. "After that, you can join your cousins and brothers." I glanced at them. "You do know where the trail is for the one hundred acres, right?" I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow while I asked them that.

"Sí, Señor," they replied.

"Well, get to it. I am disappointed in you all. I thought you would've been raised better."

"We don't have fathers that care about us," José replied. "I'm sure you don't know how that-"

I snorted, interrupting him. "Oh, believe me when I say that I know how it feels and understand it. I had an abusive father that would just sit around drinking."

"Any siblings?" Raul asked.

I nodded. "She died when she was younger because our father didn't know sign language. Mother was in heaven at the time of her birth. I was the one that raised her."

"And where did you live?" José asked.

"Cabin. We'll probably be passing by it," I replied. "Now," I glanced at the others that were gathered around, "get going around the land. José will be joining you after he shows me the Mess Hall. After I have talked with Anna and had my presence known, I'll join you all. Got it?"

They nodded and started to walk out of the room. They didn't say a word while both José and I watched them.

"You don't have to be harsh on them," he said when they were out of earshot.

"And you don't have to be harsh on the people here and do your work," I replied, glancing at him. "Anna needs help and not hell. She has all ready been through a lot." I nodded my head. "Come and show me where the Mess Hall is and go with your family."

José frowned but nodded his head. He turned towards one of the buildings and started to walk that way.


Anna came over to us when she saw that we had made it into the building. She had Marisol on her arm and was telling her what she was seeing while Marisol was listening around. "Ok, Ry is a couple of feet in front of you, and there is no one around. Would you like to reach him by yourself."

"Yes," Marisol said, setting her jaw stubbornly.

"Well, I do like stubborn women," I teased, causing Anna to stick her tongue out at me. I nodded to José, glancing at him to see that he was studying the female before us. "Go and catch up with your family. I'll be there as soon as I'm done with here."

José frowned and nodded his head before he left. He took one last look at Marisol before going to where his family had left before him.

Anna raised an eyebrow and nudged Marisol to start walking towards me. "You're making them do the whole land?"

"They made a mess in the tack room," I replied. "They'll be cleaning it up when they are done with the hundred acres." A small frown appeared on my face when that the male from before had shoved me and was about to shove Marisol. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her closer to me, just when he was about to knock her down.

Marisol yelped and beat against my arm. "Let me go, you sick bastard." She squirmed around, before she stopped, realizing that it was me who had a hold of her and not someone else. Marisol huffed and pouted. "I was close to you. Why did you have to pull me the rest of the way?"

"Someone was about to run into you," I replied, staring at the blonde that had looked back and smirked. "I wasn't going to let that happen."

Marisol sighed. "Can you let me go now?"

I grunted a response and let her go. I looked at Anna, who was watching the kid that had knocked into me. "Who is he?"

"James Fredricks," she replied. "Tony's grandson."

"Is that Old Coon, still the Deputy?"

Anna nodded her head. "He's about to retire this year," she replied.

"Wait," Marisol said, turning her head to look at me. She frowned, trying to figure something out. "You know Peter Fredricks?"

"Yes, I know him,"  I replied. "He calls me the "trouble" kid, even though I haven't really done anything. You are actually looking at the first one to call him Old Coon."

"And the one that did the melted crayons," Anna replied, glaring at me. "And I told-"

"Mom," someone interrupted her. A female moved towards us, and Anna was right, she did look like her father. Her eyes were blue, and they were staring at me, probably trying to figure out who I was. There was as small frown on her face, while she looked at her mother. "They are ready for you to start the meeting," she said. She moved a hand through her blonde hair. "And, who is he?"

"Nice girl," Marisol muttered, causing the female to glare at her. She frowned, not knowing what was happening.

"Easy," I said, causing the younger female to look at me. "I'm Ryder Castille, and you are Emily."

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