Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Two more days and then it would be a whole month of staying here, and I was sure that I had outstayed my welcome. There had been little to no progress with the relationship that I was trying to build with Bellie.

I knew that I couldn't stay. I knew that I couldn't stay if Bellie found someone that was a little more suited for the role of being a father to a thirteen year old girl and a husband with both arms. I couldn't stay to watch the girl of my dreams fall in love with someone that wasn't me.

Emily and Marisol tried to get me to tell her my feelings and tried to give her hints, but it never worked out. They even tried to get me to ask her on dates, but I usually chickened out and took Addy instead.

Speaking of Addy, she usually teased me saying that I was going to marry her when she was 18. I had to point out that I was older than her, and she might have to take care of me. That had caused her to shake her head and called me disgusting, which I merely pouted and got a warning that the birds would peck my lip from Bellie.

And I hadn't been doing work like Bellie had said, but supervising what the other hands were doing. Even though, I was holding posts for Herberto to put wire around, making sure that it would stay.

"Just ask her to marry you," Marisol said from where she was leaning against one post. She had a frown on her face and gave me a pointed look, again causing me to think that she could actually see me. "She has feelings for you just as she did you." She frowned, knowing that I had two days left. 'You have two days," she stated.

"And so do you," I replied. "Will you be staying or leaving?" I wiggled my eyebrows, smirking. "I know a certain someone is wanting you to stay."

Marisol blushed and turned her head away from us, causing Herberto to snort. "I think I'm going to stay," she mumbled. "I'd really like it if you stayed with me."

I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I can't," I replied. I grimaced when my voice cracked. "I can't stay and watch her fall in love with someone else."

"Then make her yours, Padre," Herberto said, calling me the name that the five males had picked up after I had dropped them off at their house one day. "Or find some pretty girl and marry her."

"Bellie is the only pretty girl for me. And yes, I do know I sound whipped over a girl that I don't have, but I don't care."

"Then go and make her yours," Josè said, walking over to us. "She has been asking for you and sent me to get you." He smirked. "Something along the lines of not working but you were."

I hid an eyeroll. "I was holding something, not doing some labor work," I replied. I moved so that he could take my spot before going to where I was sure Bellie was at. I just hoped that I would have enough courage to do what I had to do.


I knocked on the door of her office and before opening and stepping in. My heart pounded from nerves, and I was sure that she would be able to hear it. I should change my name to Martha and grow out my hair, I huffed, thinking of how much of a girl that I was acting.

Beille looked up and smiled when she saw me before looking at the papers on her desk. "I thought I told you not to work," she said, glancing at my hand before looking into my eyes.

"If I was working, then I would be the one that was making the holes for the posts and not Herberto," I replied.

Belle let out a small 'humph', indicating how she thought that was far from the truth. "So, your month is almost up," she said, leaning back in her chair.

I nodded. "And I need a reason for me to stay," I replied, earning a raised eyebrow from her.

I moved the necklace out from underneath my shirt and stared at her in such desperation, that I hoped she will care. "This was for you," I said, earning a sharp gasp from her. "I wanted to marry you and love you even before your countless of boyfriends and me being on the brother end." I paused and took a deep breath. "I haven't seen any other person because I was so deeply and madly in love with you. I didn't have time to notice any of the other girls around me."

Bellie opened her mouth before closing it and sighing. "You left," she said heartbroken. "How can I be so sure that you won't leave me when times get tough?"

I shook my head and chuckled, nothing humorous in it. "I left because I would've gone to prison if I had stayed," I replied. "How good would I have been for you if I was?"

"Then you didn't come back," Bellie snapped, standing. Her eyes were filled with anger, and I couldn't help but wonder how long she had felt angry at me for leaving her with a babe. "You didn't come back once afterward. You stopped writing letters, and I didn't know if you were dead."

I gritted my teeth, keeping my temper in check, something I had inherited from the sperm donor. "Do you know how many times I wanted to call you? Huh?" I asked. "I wanted to so many times that I lost count. You wanna know why I didn't?" I gestured to my incapacitated arm. "That is why." I took a deep breath. "You are too good for me, Annabella." My voice cracked. "I have known this for a long time after I had been left broken."

"To answer your question, I will not marry you," Bellie said. "I don't need someone who leaves." She didn't say a word when I told her I wasn't good enough for her. She sat down in her chair and turned it so that it was facing away from me. "Don't try to talk to me these last two days."

My heart broke, and I nodded my head. "Then I will take my leave on Saturday after the meet." With that, I turned and walked out the door, my heart breaking even more at the thought of not having my love with me. I paused before closing it, taking a deep breath. "I love you, Bellie," I muttered. "I have always loved you and always will."

After that, I closed the door, feeling as if the weight had dropped it's contents onto my shoulders.


A/N: Awww poor Ry. Who is feeling sorry for him? I know I am. Will they ever get together?

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Peace out Fluffy Munchkins


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