Extra #4- I think I am going to stay- Marisol's POV

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(Conversation between her parents and Marisol)

I blankly stared at where I knew the ceiling was at as I heard my mother and father trying to convince me that it would be best if I went home because Ry wasn't there anymore.

"I mean, wouldn't you think that it would be better to come home?" she asked. "Your month there is up."

I sighed and closed my eyes, used to this darkness that I saw. "No, Mom," I said, thinking about Josè and how much I would miss him if I left. "I think I am going to stay here."

"School starts in another month. Don't you want to se- be with your friends?" Dad asked.

"I have friends here," I said, "better friends than they are. There is a school up here that everyone goes to, and Anna was telling me that they have a good disability program."

"But, you can't see. How will you know where to go? Aren't you scared of running into a wall or something?"

I shook my head, even though I knew they wouldn't see me. "No, I am not," I said. My heart ached for Ry because he usually pulled me when I was about to run into something and then tease me. I would act mad, but I wasn't. I knew he meant no harm and acted like an older brother to me.

"What if we get you a seeing eye dog? Will you come back for that?" Dad asked.

"Anna is looking to get me a seeing eye dog all ready," I said. "I think that I have another week left before he or she will be here."

"I just think you should come home, Marisol,",Mom said. "Everyone misses you."

Everyone misses babying me, I thought with a scowl. "I miss everyone too, but I think I found my place. I have friends and good mentors." And freedom, I added silently.

"But, your mentor left. How can you have a good mentor if yours left?" Dad asked.

"I have the girl that he considers his daughter for one," I said with a clipped tone. "Look, I am staying here. You should be happy that I am not moping because I lost my eyesight and actually participating in stuff."

"We are, Marisol. It's just..." she sighed, "all right, if you think that this is the best for your life, then we will support you. Can you at least try to come home for Christmas?"

"I will try to," I said. "It might have to be around that time. Emily had told me that everyone usually goes home a week before Christmas but come back up here to celebrate with everyone else."

"What? They take you away from your family on Christmas? How sick is that?" Dad asked with a scoff.

"There's usually a big snowstorm that happens around Christmas," I said. I was tired. I did not want to argue with my parents about not being home for Christmas. I knew that they wanted me home, but... I couldn't. I couldn't go home because I didn't want to go back down the path that Ry had pulled me from. "Look, I got to go. I will talk to you both later."

"Ok, we love you. Stay safe," Mom said. Her tone was clipped, and I could tell that she was scowling at my father. "We love you so much, Marisol. Never forget that."

"I love you both," I said. And with that, I closed the phone and sighed. I was staying here, and I did not care that it would hurt my parents' feelings.

These people were my family, and it seemed to me that they were more my family than my actual family.

It was sad but true. I knew that I could live without my parents, but I didn't think that I could live without the love and support of everyone here.  

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