Chapter 18 (Edited)

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Two weeks have passed, and I couldn't help but be proud of the boys that worked at the barn. I had not had to make them run the whole one hundred miles, nor did I make them run any. However, they've been showing up around four in the morning and ran with me around the barns, houses, Mess Hall, and dorms. I didn't question it. I was just glad that they were doing what they were supposed to do.

It made my life easier.

Marisol was doing good at her activities. She had been following Emily and Addy around and doing the activities that they were doing. I could see that she was getting confident with going places by herself some, but she wasn't confident in riding her horse, not even when I tried to persuade her into riding Liberty.

José looked to have a crush on her, but he didn't say anything about it. He did ask me most of the questions, some of which he should just ask her. However, that boy was just too damn shy. He didn't know what to do with those feelings.

Mine and Bellie's relationship was a little rocky. I think I had embarrassed her, though she didn't know that I really wanted to ask her. She had been through almost everything with me, and I loved her with all my heart and soul.

Emily said that she felt the same way, but she was waiting for me to make the first move. She claimed that her mother had said that I was a cocky son of a gun when I was younger and would flirt with all the females.

I couldn't help but laugh at that, because I was just being a gentlemen to them, holding the door open or picking up something that they had dropped. I, only, ever flirted with Bellie, getting a black eye from her "boyfriends" that she dated at the time.

I shook my head and sighed, breaking myself from thoughts when Lib took off my Stetson and flung it onto the ground. "Really?" I asked, glaring at her teasingly. I patted her neck before grabbing the hard brush. "You just love to make me suffer, don't you?" I teased, causing her to snort and bob her head up and down.

I shook my head, smiling. "As long as you don't do that to the other riders, then I'll be fine," I said, causing to her whicker.

Lib was doing nicely with the special needs kids. She was patient and got everyone to love her. Sure, she did test some of the riders, but she knew that they would be able to handle it and didn't do it often.

The only person that she picked on often was with me. She would sometimes buck with me, but I made sure to hold on and ride it out. She would take off my Stetson and throw it in the dirt or play with it.

When I first wore the hat around her, Lib fell in love with it and tried to eat it countless of times.

I sneezed when she whacked me with her tail. "I know, I know," I grumbled. "'Get your head out of the clouds and start working.'" I rolled my eyes, teasingly. "Mares." I finished brushing her up before picking up my Stetson and placing it on my head.

Lib snorted and rolled her eyes before looking away. She whickered when she saw someone, causing me to look where she was looking.

I noticed a blonde headed boy with glazed blue eyes coming in. He looked to be around five years old, and he was holding one of those tools that helped blind people. "Hey, Kid. You lost?" I asked, moving to the front of Lib.

The little boy stopped walking and looked towards my voice. He made a gasping sound before starting to back up.

"Watch out," I warned, seeing that he was about to trip over the step. "You're about to be going over that step, and I don't want you to fall."

He paused and stayed still.

"You lost?"

The kid shook his head.

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