Extra #1- I Don't Want to Go- Marisol's POV

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(As Marisol goes to the camp)

I sat in the back seat of my dad's car, looking out the window. I couldn't help but frown, hating the fact that I couldn't see where I was going nor have something to look at with this stupid road trip. My parents had thought that it would be a good idea to send me to a horse camp for people that was disabled. I thought that they just wanted to get rid of me, getting tired of my attitude and having to take care of me.

Someone in the front seat shifted, causing me to turn my head slightly that way to pick up any other movement. "You'll like it at this place, Sweetheart," my mother said, trying and failing to get me excited. "They have the best people that will help teach you to do stuff while being blind."

I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes. What could the possibly teach me? I thought to myself, folding my arms across my chest and making a face. I am blind. I'm not good for anything.

"Stop with this bitchy attitude," my father scowled, and I could tell that he was looking through the rearview mirror to glare at me. "There are people who have been blind longer than you have, Marisol. You should be grateful that you had sight before."

Maybe if you two stopped babying me, I will, I thought, pursing my lips in disgust. I can't even go to the fucking bathroom without one of you trying to show me where it is or how to use a fucking toilet.

Mom patted me on the leg, causing me to move it away from her reach. "We are trying to help you out, Mary," she said, her voice holding hurt because I moved my leg away from her. "Please, tell us how to make you happy."

"Don't let me go to this stupid thing," I replied. "I don't want to go."

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