Extra #5- You Are Going to be a Dad- Annabella's POV

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(Telling Ry that he is going to be a father)

"I hope you aren't waiting for an invitation for telling Dad that you are pregnant, Mom," my daughter said, looking at the stick in her hands. "I mean, this is good news."

I sighed and looked at my shaking hands. "I know... I am just..." I shook my head. "I am just scared that he will leave me. I mean, your-"

"That male is just a sperm donor. He is not my dad," Emily said interrupting me. "Ry is my dad."

Pride filled me when I heard that Emily thought Ry as her father. I knew that Ry loved her so much as if she was his own, even though he didn't contribute to her birth.

"That male was a virgin until you two had sex," Marisol said, sitting down besides Emily. "And, if he leaves you, then he would probably be dead."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No, he wouldn't. Ry is the type of male to play around with death or something." I couldn't help but shake my head and smile when I thought of a younger Ry. I couldn't even remember how many times I had been in a hospital to make sure that he was alive.

"I bet he has the Invisibility Cloak," Emily said with a smirk. "It would make sense as to why he hadn't committed to suicide."

"Not all Vets with PTSD commit suicide," I reminded her. "And, he had a horse to help him out."

"I think it is more the thought of you that stopped him from committing suicide," Emily said, causing Marisol to him in agreement. "I mean, he loved you even though he wasn't here."

I sighed and shook my head, shaking away the negative thoughts about Ry. I knew that he wouldn't leave me, and I knew that he wouldn't care if we had had a child before we were married. "You're right," I said. "But, how are we going to tell him?"

Emily smirked. "Leave that to me."

"Oh, Boy."


I licked my lips as Ry came in with his shirt off and his whole body covered in sweat. All I wanted for him to do was take me then and there, but I needed to tell him that I was pregnant. "Hey, Ry?" I asked, causing the older male to turn and look at me.

He raised an eyebrow and walked over to me. Lust filled his eyes as he stalked towards me. "Ya?" he asked, leaning in for a kiss.

I pushed him away, knowing that if he kissed me, then all I wanted was to have sex with him. "Can you check the oven for me, please? I think I left something in it, but I am not sure."

Ry blinked in confusion. There was no hurt in his eyes from me pushing him away, and I didn't know if that was a good sign or not. "All right..?" he asked. "Can I have a kiss first?"

I shook my head. "Just... go please."

Ry huffed, mockingly and walked to the kitchen. "There better be cake in there," he called from the kitchen.

I licked my lips and grabbed the two onesies that Emily had picked out and held it in my hands. I didn't know if he would get what I was trying to say with what I had placed in the oven, but I was sure that he would when he saw these.

"There was only a bib-" He stopped talking, holding the bib in his hand. He looked at the onesies, many emotions filling his eyes.

Tears filled my eyes, and I cleared my throat. "What does it say?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Ry walked over, his eyes wide. He cleared his throat, his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down. "'Daddy's Little Soldier,'" he said, his voice shaking.

"And?" I asked. My voice shook as I watched the male before me trying not to cry. I knew that he was happy that he had a child with me. Hell, I knew that he was happy to have a child in general. This Captain was good with babies, almost always stealing a baby from their mother because all they wanted to do was be held by the stranger with a goofy grin.

He didn't answer right away but kissed my lips, roughly, letting me just how much he loved me. "'I'm not just a Daddy's Little Girl, I'm A Soldier's Daughter,'" he whispered.

"Thar is if we gave a girl," I whispered against his lips.

"We will," he said with such certainty that I almost believed him. "And, then all three of you will be my little Princesses."  


A/N: Pic of the other one. Picture this in a onesie

 Picture this in a onesie

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